28 June - 2 JULY 2010
Monday, 28 June: Morning session
Monday, 28 June: Afternoon session
Tuesday, 29 June: Morning session
Tuesday, 29 June: Afternoon session
Wednesday, 30 June: Morning session
Wednesday, 30 June: Afternoon session
Thursday, 1 July: Morning Session
Monday, 28 June
Morning session (Back to Top)
- Hamidon Ali, President of the Economic and Social Council
- Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, 51Թ
Keynote addresses
- Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile
- Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development, United Kingdom
- Moushira Khattab, Minister of State for Family and Population Affairs, Egypt
- Frances Stewart, Chair, Committee for Development Policy
Policy messages from the Annual Ministerial Review preparatory meetings
Africa Regional Meeting
Women and Health, Dakar, Senegal, 12-13 January 2010
- Ndeye Khady Diop, Minister of Family, Food Security, Gender Equality and Child Welfare, Senegal (via live video)
Global Preparatory Meeting
Who feeds the world in 2010 and beyond? Rural women as agents of change and champions of global food security, New York, 22 April 2010
Florence Chenoweth, Minister of Agriculture, Liberia
Special Event
Engaging philanthropy to promote women empowerment and gender equality, New York, 22 February 2010
- Geena Davis, Academy Award Winner
Annual Ministerial Review: National Voluntary Presentation
Moderator Gert Rosenthal, Permanent Representative of Guatemala
- Nilcéa Freire, Minister, Secretariat of Policies for Women (presentation)
Afternoon session (Back to Top)
Annual Ministerial Review: National Voluntary Presentations
Moderator Helen Clark, Administrator, UNDP
- Herman Schaper, Permanent Representative of Netherlands to the 51Թ (presentation)
- Karin Slowing Umaña, Secretary of State for Planning and Programming (presentation)
- Victor Bodiu, Minister of State (presentation)
Tuesday, 29 June
Morning session (Back to Top)
Development Cooperation Forum
- Hamidon Ali, President of the Economic and Social Council
Introduction of the Report of the Secretary-General
- Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, UNDESA
Keynote addresses
- Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development
- , Vice Minister of Commerce, China
- Paavo Väyrynen, Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development
Policy dialogue
1. Promoting greater coherence: how can all policies be geared towards development goals?
- Martin Dahinden, Director-General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (Moderator)
- Nguyen The Phuong, Vice Minister of Planning and Investment, Viet Nam
- Kampeta Sayinzoga, Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
- Eckhard Deutscher, Chair, Development Assistance Committee, OECD
- Jose Antonio Ocampo, Professor, Columbia University
High-level luncheon “From Dialogue to Action – the Empowerment of Rural Women in Agriculture” organized by FAO, IFAD and WFP
Afternoon Session (Back to Top)
Development Cooperation Forum
Policy dialogue
2. Accountable and transparent development cooperation: how can we build more equal partnerships?
- Anders B. Johnsson, Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union (Moderator)
- Mustafa Mkulo, Minister of Finance & Economic Affairs, Tanzania
- Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl, Director-General for Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Austria
- Michael Anderson, Director-General, Department for International Development, United Kingdom
- Ingrid Srinath, Secretary-General, CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Policy dialogue
3. South-South, triangular and decentralized cooperation
- Hardeep Singh Puri, Permanent Representative of India to the 51Թ (Moderator)
- Christoph Beier, Managing Director, GTZ
- Luiz Pereira, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
- Enrique M. Londono, Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia
- Elisabeth Gateau, Secretary-General, United Cities and Local Governments
Wednesday, 30 June
Morning session (Back to Top)
Annual Ministerial Review: National Voluntary Presentations
Moderator Gert Rosenthal, Permanent Representative of Guatemala
- Doreen Sioka, Minister for Gender Equality and Child Welfare
- Fabrice Heyries, Executive Director, Women's Rights and Gender Equality
United States of America
- Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues
- Alonzo Fulgham, Chief Operating Officer, USAID
Introduction of the Reports of the Secretary-General (AMR and
the thematic discussion) (parallel with the National Voluntary Presentations)
- Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, UNDESA
Special policy dialogue
The role of women in countries in special situations
Chair: H.E. Ambassador Octavio Errázuriz, Vice-President of ECOSOC
Opening remarks:
- Mr. Patrick Hayford, Director, Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, on behalf of Mr. Cheick Sidi Diarra, Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser on Africa and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
- Carla Koppell, Director of Initiative for Inclusive Security (Moderator)
- Leymah Gbowee, Executive Director, Women in Peace and security Network Africa
- Frances Stewart, Director of Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, Department for International Development, University of Oxford (presentation)
- Jan Egeland, Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
- Graciana del Castillo, Senior Research Scholar, Columbia University
Afternoon session (Back to Top)
Development Cooperation Forum
Policy dialogue
4. Impact of multiple crises: allocating resources among competing needs
- Nitin Desai, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Internet Governance
- Marie-Josée Jacobs, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Luxembourg
- Masihur Rahman, Economic Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister, Bangladesh
- Alonzo Fulgham, Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Agency for International Development
- Carlos A. Primo Braga, Acting Vice President and Corporate Secretary, The World Bank Group
Policy dialogue
5. Achieving the MDGs by 2015: an agenda for more and improved development cooperation
- Helen Clark, Chair, 51Թ Development Group, Administrator, 51Թ Development Programme (Moderator)
- Samura Kamara, Minister of Finance and Development, Sierra Leone
- Bob McMullan, Parliamentary Secretary for International Development, Australia
- Carsten Staur, Permanent Representative of Denmark to the 51Թ
- David Lane, President and CEO, ONE
- Summary Statement by Ambassador Ali, President of ECOSOC
Thursday, 1 July
Morning session (Back to Top)
Ministerial roundtable breakfasts
- UNIFEM Women at the frontline of service delivery: Accelerating achievement of the MDGs
- WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA Improving women’s health: Addressing the challenges
- GAID, G3ICT The role of ICTs in empowering women with disabilities
Annual Ministerial Review: National Voluntary Presentations
Moderator: Ritva Koukku-Ronde, Under-Secretary of State, Finland
- João Gomes Cravinho, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
- Elza Pais, Secretary of State for Equality
Republic of Korea
- Paik Hee Young, Minister of Gender Equality and Family
- Ingrid Fiskaa, State Secretary of International Development
General Debate (parallel with the National Voluntary Presentations)
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium on behalf of EU
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Iran
- Israel
- Italy
- Kenya
- Latvia
- Morocco (English / French)
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- National Right to Life
- Pakistan
- Poland
- Russian Federation
- Slovakia
- Switzerland
- Yemen on behalf of G77 and China
Afternoon session (Back to Top)
Annual Ministerial Review: National Voluntary Presentations
Moderator Léo Mérorès, Permanent Representative of Haiti
- Bob McMullan, MP, Parliamentary Secretary for International Development
- Jeanne Françoise Leckomba Loumeto, Minister for the Promotion and Integration of Women
- Tugsjargal Gandi, MP, Minister for Social Welfare and Labour
General Debate (parallel with the National Voluntary Presentations)
- Argentina
- The Bahamas
- Belarus
- China
- Croatia
- Cuba (English / Spanish)
- El Salvador
- Ethiopia
- The Gambia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Honduras
- Holy See
- Indonesia
- Republic of Korea
- Liechtenstein
- Mexico
- Peru
- Saudi Arabia
- South Africa
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
Friday, 2 July
Morning session (Back to Top)
Ministerial Roundtable Breakfasts
- ITC/OSAGI Empowering women, powering trade: Integrating women into global value chains
- OHRLLS/OSAA/UNIFEM Economic opportunities for the empowerment of women in Africa and LDCs: Access to credit, land and markets
- UN-HABITAT Gender equality and sustainable urbanization
High-Level Policy Dialogue with the international financial and trade institutions on current developments in the world economy
- Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, UNDESA (Moderator)
- Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General, UNCTAD
- Reza Moghadam, Director of the IMF’s Strategy, Policy and Review Department International Monetary Fund
- Otaviano Canuto, Vice President, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, World Bank
- Clemens Boonekamp, Director, World Trade Organization
General Debate (parallel with the High-level Policy Dialogue)
- Bangladesh
- Chile
- Colombia (English / Spanish)
- Guatemala (English / Spanish)
- India
- Inter-Parliamentary Union
- IOM Commission
- Organization of Islamic Conference
- Japan
- Nigeria
- The Philippines
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Commission
- Venezuela
- Zambia
Adoption of the Ministerial Declaration
Closing of the High-level Segment