Informal Summaries - High-level Segment
Opening of the High-level Segment, 2 July 2007
High-Level Policy Dialogue on current developments in the world economy and international economic cooperation, 2 July 2007
Thematic discussion: “Strengthening efforts at all levels to promote propoor sustained economic growth, including through equitable macroeconomic policies”, 2-3 July 2007
- Summary of the roundtable: "Growth, poverty eradication and equity – emerging paradigm", 2 July 2007
- Summary of the roundtable: "Coherence and coordination of macroeconomic policies at all levels", 2 July 2007
- Summay of the informal High-level roundtable: “Emerging challenges to efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger: climate change, desertification and health crises”, 2 July 2007
- Summary of the General debate on the theme of thematic discussion: “Strengthening efforts at all levels to promote pro-poor sustained economic growth, including through equitable macro-economic policies”, 3 July 2007
Annual Ministerial Review: "Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development", 3-4 July 2007
- Summary of the National Voluntary Presentations, 3 July 2007
- Summary of the General debate on the theme of the Annual Ministerial Review: “Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development”, 4 July 2007
- Summary of the roundtable, “Ending the cycle of food crises: a home-grown green revolution in Africa”, 4 July 2007
- Summary of the roundtable, “Poverty eradication – making it happen”, 4 July 2007
- Summary of the plenary session launching the Development Cooperation Forum, 5 July 2007
- Summary of the roundtable on "Promoting greater coherence among development activities of different development partners - the role of national aid coordination and management", 5 July 2007
- Summary of the roundtable on “Review of trends in international development cooperation - South-South and triangular cooperation”, 5 July 2007
- Summary of the stakeholder forum on "How can the DCF promote enhanced oversight of aid commitments and aid effectiveness for the realization of the IADGs?", 5 July 2005
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