Photo credit: UN

13 September - Wednesday |
9:30 – 10:15 |
SDG Studio @ UNHQ
Launch of the first Global Report on Climate and SDG Synergies Organised by UNDESA and UNFCCC |
11:00-11:45 |
Virtual (by invitation only) |
UN-Energy Meeting at Principal level Organised by UN-Energy |
15 September - Friday |
11:00 |
Press Briefing Room @UNHQ |
Launch of the 2nd Annual Energy Compact Progress Report Organised by UN-Energy in collaboration with SEforAll |
16 September – Saturday |
10:00-17:30 |
SDG Action Weekend / SDG Mobilization Day |
12:15-13:45 |
High-level Side Event: Orchestrating Global Synergies for Climate Action and SDGs Organised by UN DESA and UNFCCC |
17 September – Sunday – SDG Acceleration Day |
9:00-17:00 |
SDG Action Weekend / Acceleration Day |
10:00-11:30 |
CR1 |
High Impact Initiative-Energy Compacts: Scaling-up ambition to deliver on SDG7 Organised by UN-Energy in collaboration with SEforAll |
13:30-15:00 |
CR5 |
High-level Side Event: Achieving NET Zero cooking for all by 2050: Proposed Global Roadmap for a just and inclusive cooking energy transition Organised by WHO in collaboration with the World Bank and UN-Energy |
18 September – Monday |
9:00-18:00 |
11:00-12:00 |
Energy Compacts: Championing Gender Equality for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition Co-organized by Norway, Energia, UNIDO and SEforALL Hosted by UN-Energy
12:00-12:20 |
UN-Energy Spotlight conversation with Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Director of the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, FAO Organised by UN-Energy |
19 September – Tuesday |
15:00-19:00 |
UN General Assembly Hall/Conference Rooms |
whole day |
General Assembly Hall |
General Debate @ UNGA 78th session |
08:00-09:00 |
Energy Compacts: Tracking Progress on SDG7 Towards 2030 and Beyond Organised by SEforALL Hosted by UN-Energy |
12:00-14:30 |
UNICEF Hybrid (by invitation only) |
Implementing UN-Energy Plan of Action Towards 2025: Deep Dive: Global Roadmap for Just and Inclusive Clean Cooking Transition to achieve SDG7 and net-zero Organised by UN-Energy, WHO and World Bank, Hosted by UNICEF |
20 September - Wednesday |
whole day |
UN General Assembly Hall/Conference Rooms |
Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit |
whole day |
UN General Assembly Hall |
@ UNGA 78th session |
8:00-9:00 |
Futerra 30 East 23rd Street #8th Floor New York, NY 10010 |
Organised by SEforALL |
21 September – Thursday |
whole day |
UN General Assembly Hall |
@ UNGA 78th session
14:00-17:00 |
The Westin Grand Central, New York (by invitation only) |
Powering Healthcare Roundtable Organised by SEforALL, in partnership World Bank and Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (HETA), hosted by Power Africa |
22 September - Friday |
whole day |
UN General Assembly Hall |
@ UNGA 78th session
25 September - Monday |
Virtual (by invitation only) |
Implementing UN-Energy Plan of Action Towards 2025: Brainstorming on Powering Progress Organised by UN-Energy and UNDP |