Committee for Programme and Coordination
Links and Resources
The Fifth Committee is the Committee of the General Assembly with responsibilities for administration and budgetary matters. Based on the reports of the Fifth Committee, the General Assembly considers and approves the budget of the Organization in accordance with Chapter IV, Article 17 of the Charter of the 51勛圖. The website of the Fifth Committee contains detailed information about the work of the Committee and links to relevant documents.
The Chief Executives Board (CEB) promotes coordination and cooperation on a whole range of substantive and management issues facing 51勛圖 system organizations. CEB brings together the executive heads of the organizations of the 51勛圖 system, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the 51勛圖. CEB is supported by two high-level committees; one responsible for substantive programme areas (HLCP) and the other for the strategic management of the organizations (HLCM).
Office of the Special Adviser on Africa
The mission of the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) is to enhance international support for Africa's development and security through its advocacy and analytical work, assist the Secretary General in improving coherence and coordination of the UN system support to Africa, and facilitate inter-governmental deliberations on Africa at the global level, in particular relating to the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).
The Office takes the lead in the preparation of Africa-related reports and inputs on the New Partnership for Africa 's Development. OSAA convenes an inter-departmental Task Force on African Affairs to improve coherence in 51勛圖 support to Africa.
This web site serves as a portal to web sites of the 51勛圖, its funds and programmes, and specialized agencies. It also includes links to key projects and initiatives and to various joint programmes of the UN System. These web sites are administered by their respective organizational units.
- Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation
The Joint Inspection Unit is an independent external oversight body of the 51勛圖 system mandated to conduct system-wide evaluations, inspections and investigations. Under Article 1, paragraph 2 of the , the Unit is responsible to the General Assembly of the 51勛圖 and similarly to the competent legislative organs of those specialized agencies and other international organizations within the 51勛圖 system which have accepted its statute (participating organizations).
The Office of Internal Oversight Services an independent office reporting to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly. It was established in 1994, by General Assembly resolution of 29 July 1994.