

On World Cities Day, 55 cities joined the  (UCCN), acknowledging their strong commitment to harnessing culture and creativity as part of their development strategies.

Audiovisual archives represent not only the past images and sounds of our shared experiences, but also serve as a valuable source of cultural, social, and linguistic diversity. Conserving this heritage and ensuring it remains accessible to the public is a vital goal for all memory institutions and the public. On the (27 October), highlights the theme "Your Window to the World," emphasizing that audiovisual heritage allows us to witness events beyond our own experiences, listen to the voices of the past, and create narratives that inform and entertain.

惚捧楚釦唬倏s has added 42 new sites (33 cultural, 9 natural) to the , bringing the total to 1199. These sites will now benefit from the highest level of heritage protection worldwide. With five new locations inscribed this year, Africa has reached the symbolic milestone of 100 sites on the World Heritage List. Rwanda had its first two inscriptions and Uganda removed the  from the World Heritage in Danger list.  were inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger, due to threats linked to shelling, and three Sites of Memory linked to recent conflicts were added to the List.

The one thing is sure of, is that the pictures were taken between 1950 and 1980. Their vintage colours and gelatin-silver grain give off a curious air of innocence and melancholy. Started by British filmmaker Lee Shulman The Anonymous Project has been collecting films and slides taken by unknowns around the world and exhibiting selections in London, New York, Paris and Seoul. Many of the images represent when color photography was becoming widely available. Deprived of their original meaning, they nevertheless transmit an unexpected emotion, fantasy and aesthetic force.

Why is cultural diversity important? What are some of the current challenges that undermine it? And what can we do to protect and promote cultural diversity? Cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. This new -Khalili Foundation film "A Thousand Colours" aims to humanize the notion of cultural diversity.

and the European Union (EU) have joined forces for the EU4Culture project in Albania, which restores and revitalizes 24 culturally significant heritage sites that suffered damage during a devastating earthquake.

Foundation film "A Thousand Colours" aims to humanize the notion of cultural diversity

's projects have supported women empowerment through education and training.

announced the inscription of 64 documentary collections on its Memory of the World Register, bringing the number of listed collections to 494 the process relaunches after a six-year pause.

Tea is an age-old symbol of wellbeing that appears in the arts, literature, music and boasts countless colours and varieties.

A jazz journey around the world

As the great Nina Simone said, "Jazz is not just music, it is a way of life, it is a way of being, a way of thinking".  resented the flagship Jazz Day event, a spectacular All-Star Global Concert, will featuring an extraordinary selection of jazz performances from Austria to Zimbabwe, highlighting the power of jazz in bridging differences and promoting unity and peace through intercultural dialogue and collaboration.

The new publication  recommends that the international community develop tailored assistance to protect and promote artistic freedom in emergency context.

brings us the story of the silk roads dating back to the first exchanges between China and the Roman Empire - beyond commerce these routes enabled the spread of ideas, knowledge and religions.

 celebrates our shared heritage, because culture is a global public good.

The silhouette of a person at the end of a round winding corridor illuminated by multi-coloured light.

There may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept of creativity ranges from artistic expression to problem-solving and can be used in the context of economic, social and sustainable development. The creative economy too has no single definition. It is an evolving concept which builds on the interplay between human creativity and ideas and intellectual property, knowledge and technology. On World Creativity and Innovation Day (21 April), the world is invited to embrace the idea that creativity and innovation are essential for harnessing the economic potential of nations.