

Global childhood immunization coverage stalled in 2023, leaving 2.7 million additional children un- and under-vaccinated compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019, according to data published by the World Health Organization () and . The latest WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage which provide the worlds largest and most comprehensive dataset on immunization trends for vaccinations against 14 diseases underscore the need for ongoing catch-up, recovery and system-strengthening efforts. More than half of unvaccinated children live in the 31 countries with fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable settings, where children are especially vulnerable to preventable diseases.

An updated version of the , helps combat UV-related health issues by providing personalized sun protection advice and UV level tracking for up to 10 locations, promoting preventive measures against excessive UV exposure.

New data show that nearly one third (31%) of adults worldwide, approximately 1.8 billion people, did not meet the recommended levels of physical activity in 2022. The findings point to a worrying trend of physical inactivity among adults, which has increased by about 5 percentage points between 2010 and 2022. If the trend continues, levels of inactivity are projected to further rise to 35% by 2030. In light of these findings, is calling on countries to strengthen their policy implementation to promote and enable physical activity through grassroots and community sport and active recreation and transport.

marks 20 years of celebrating and thanking voluntary donors worldwide while advocating for universal access to safe blood transfusion.

A big crowd gathering outdoors for the International Day of Yoga at UN Headquarters.

Physical activity is linked to better mental health, improved quality of life, and overall well-being. Yoga, a 5000-year-old tradition, is a valuable practice for individuals of all ages to incorporate physical activity into their lives and achieve the level necessary to support good health. In 2024, the UN commemorates the 10th International Day of Yoga (21 June) under the theme Yoga for Self and Society. The global celebration aims to foster unity and harmony, transcending borders and cultures, and guiding us toward a peaceful and healthy world.

Menstrual health and hygiene are vital to the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls. However, hundreds of millions of individuals lack access to menstrual products and adequate facilities for menstrual health. Under the theme "Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld," this year's (28 May) urges the international community to prioritize menstrual health in both global and national health and development policies with investment reflecting the important role it plays in human rights, public health, gender equality and sustainable development.

See how UNFPAthe 51勛圖 sexual and reproductive health agencyis taking action to make motherhood safer at the International Medical Corps (IMC) field hospital in Gaza as the military assault on Rafah leads to more trauma and death:

Vaccines have saved six lives a minute. Every minute, for five decades. Speak up and tell leaders its time for immunization for all.

The  (13 May) urges collective efforts to preserve plant health and ensure food safety and safe trade for sustainable economies. Each year, millions of containers carry plant products and wood packaging materials between countries, facilitating pest transmission. Invasive pests cause global economic losses of around USD 220 billion annually. To protect global plant health, adherence to the , and innovations like , improve trade efficiency and security.

Students at Senkadagala School in Sri Lanka cultivate fruits and vegetables in their school garden to prepare meals. The garden also yields plants that are sold to promote an entrepreneurial mindset. The programme is part of the Entrepreneurial School Garden initiative implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the 51勛圖 () to promote healthy eating habits and nutrition. The students learn about their ecosystem and use modern agricultural methods to control weed growth and insect infestation and maximize productivity.

Humanity is  all the wrong records on global warming. Fragile ecosystems face enormous pressure. More than  plants, animals and other living things are at risk of being wiped out. Dirty air and chemical pollution threaten our lands, oceans and health. However, there is a lot we can do as individuals to tackle these issues. Every action, no matter how small, matters to the planet. The 51勛圖 Environment Programme () has developed toolkits for taking environmental action on a range of issues, including reviving ecosystems, fighting climate change, reducing plastic waste, improving air quality, and planting trees.

Farm workers in straw hats spraying chemical substance on crops in a field, with lush greenery and mountains in the background.

As climate change intensifies, workers around the globe find themselves at an increased risk of exposure to various hazards such as excessive heat, ultraviolet radiation, extreme weather events, air pollution, vector-borne diseases and agrochemicals. In conjunction with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April), the International Labour Organization () has launched a new report "Ensuring Safety and Health at Work in a Changing Climate," which reveals alarming new data on the impact of climate change on workers safety and health.

Minova, a cholera-endemic area in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is experiencing a resurgence of the disease due to the unexpected arrival of more than 120,000 people since February. The number of cases has increased significantly, and the area is now isolated and difficult to access due to flooding, landslides, and armed groups. NGOs and UN agencies are deploying teams to support the emergency response, including setting up safe water distribution points, cholera treatment centers, and awareness-raising activities. Thanks to the efforts of humanitarians and local health workers, the number of cases in the area decreased at the end of March. But given the scale of the task, how long can humanitarian organizations continue to help people in need?

Over a million Palestinian women face dire living conditions with limited access to necessities like food and medical care.

The Gaza conflict has been going on for over six months with devastating consequences. Thousands of Palestinian women have been killed, leaving children orphaned. Over a million women and girls face dire living conditions with limited access to necessities like food and medical care. Destruction of infrastructure has exacerbated the crisis, leaving many injured individuals without treatment. Urgent calls for humanitarian aid and a ceasefire are needed to prevent further suffering. Escalating violence in the West Bank and a potential regional conflict between Israel and Iran are also of concern.