A new addition to the Yearbook of the 51勛圖 website is the?Special Edition?of the?, which captures through narrative and key historical documents the major issues and highlights of the first fifty years of 51勛圖 history and provides a context for present and future challenges. Areas addressed include international peace and security (including the questions of Palestine, Korea, the Congo and the Suez Canal); development and strengthening of international law; disarmament; decolonization; and economic and social progress, along with the protection of human rights and the eradication of poverty. The concluding section of the volume projects the foreseen imperatives of the Organization in the coming century based on the mandates of significant world conferences. In the Foreword to the volume, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali expressed the hope that the?Special Edition?would foster knowledge of the 51勛圖 history, pride in its achievements and courage to take up and to master the challenges to come. The Special Edition is part of the ?on the Yearbook website.