Substantive Informal Session on the Follow-Up Process
A strong and meaningful follow-up process and accountability framework for Financing for Development will be a crucial element of a successful outcome of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa on 13-16 July 2015. The global context has changed significantly since the adoption of the Monterrey Consensus, and new challenges have emerged. Given the new global environment for Financing for Development, adapting and strengthening the follow-up process will be essential to ensure the implementation and monitoring of the Conference outcome.
In addition to the question how the follow-up process will be framed within the UN system, it will be equally important to discuss the design of arrangements outside the UN system. This includes the institutional stakeholders (World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD, UNDP, WTO), as well as the private sector and civil society. The framework of the follow-up process which will be decided on by Member States will also have a significant impact on the post-2015 development agenda.
Organizational matters
- Programme and Briefing note (with links to presentation)
- Biographies of speakers
Side event
- Delivering on the Post-2015 Development Agenda: What Role for Public-Private Partnerships? (1:15 to 2:30 PM, Trusteeship Council Chamber, 12 December 2014)