UNFF-related events at UNFCCC COP28

UNFF-related events at UNFCCC COP28
Date: December 2, 2023 to December 10, 2023
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Map Unavailable

About the event

The following UNFF-related events and meetings are expected to be held at COP28.

  • Climate & Canopy: Amplifying Action for SDG 13 & 15 through Primary Forest Conservation| Date: 8 December 11:45am-12:45pm local time | Venue: SDG Pavilion B7-88, COP28 Blue Zone (Thematic Arena 3, space TA3-210) SDG Pavilion webpage: un.org/en/COP28/SDGPavilion; Livestreaming: Further information is available in the concept note and flyer.
  • Event of the Collaborative Partnership on Forest: Beyond Carbon- Realizing Untapped Potential of Forests to Combat Climate Change | Date/time: 9 December, 3:15-4:00pm | Venue: UNEP Pavilion, COP28 Blue Zone, Opportunity Petal, Thematic Arena 4 | ; UNEP Pavilion webpage: Further information is available in the concept note.
  • High-level Dialogue of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests: Forests for Our Common Future: Halting and Reversing Deforestation by 2030 | Date/time: 10 December, 2:00-3:30pm local time | Venue: Action Arena 1 Al Hur, Global Climate Action Hub, COP28 Blue Zone | ; Livestreaming: (accessible for COP28 registered participants only) |
    Further information available in the concept note.
  • Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the secretariats of UNFF and CBD | Date: 10 December