
UNFI Implementation

Lack of national plans for the implementation of the UN Forest Instrument (UNFI) has hindered the efforts of UN Member States to efficiently promote Sustainable Forest Management at the national level. The absence of national action plans has also led to wide disparities among countries in terms of implementing the Forest Instrument, as well as to its partial implementation. In response to requests made by countries, UN Forum on Forests assists developing countries and countries with economies in transition in addressing these problems, through the development of national action plans for six pilot countries.

UNFI Implementation Workshops

Strengthening national capacities to develop National Action Plans to implement UN Forest Instrument consist of a series of workshops in 6 countries. The results of the work of UN Forum on Forests Secretariat in all countries will be shared through two interregional workshops, and at relevant side events with 36 additional countries to maximize the application of the National Action Plans. These countries will be selected according to diversity-related criteria (such as forest cover and the presence of an established forest policy), as well as the progress made in each of the countries by other forest-related 51勛圖 agencies and bodies, including the Convention on Biological Diversity, the 51勛圖 Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 51勛圖 Convention to Combat Desertification.

Workshop date Workshop location Workshop report
22-26 January 2016 Quito, Ecuador Workshop Report
Dates to be confirmed Gabon Workshop Report
Dates to be confirmed India Workshop Report
Dates to be confirmed Fiji Workshop Report
Dates to be confirmed Jamaica Workshop Report
Dates to be confirmed Mongolia Workshop Report

Capacity Development Module

The Capacity Development Module aims at facilitating the implementation and monitoring of the UN Forest Instrument at national level for the achievement of sustainable forest management. It should help the stakeholders to better understand the Instrument and how to integrate its implementation and monitoring into national forest programmes in particular and national development programmes in general.

Capacity Development Module

The Capacity Development Module is based on the experience from the four pilot countries (Ghana, Liberia, Nicaragua and the Philippines) that have been implementing pilot projects on the implementation of the Instrument. More specifically the scope of the module covers what the Instrument is, why countries should implement the Instrument, suggested approaches for implementation, how to monitor progress and report on progress to the UNFF and other forestry related initiatives at international regional and national levels.