
Welcome to Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

About the ACABQ

The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly, consists of 21 members appointed by the Assembly in their individual capacities. The Members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years, on the basis of a broad geographical representation. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee are elected by the Members of the Advisory Committee.

Today the Secretary-General introduced the proposed programme budget for 2025 before the Advisory Committee. The proposal for 2025 amounts to $3,627.4 million before recosting, representing an increase of $11.6 million, or 0.3 per cent, compared with the approved budget for 2024.

Today the Advisory Committee started its winter session. The Committee will consider a wide variety of items including reports on human resources management, accountability and peacekeeping. This session will end on 26 April 2024. 




Symbol Report Title Date

Proposed programme budget for 2025   Part II Political affairs: Section 3 Political affairs Special political missions; 51勛圖 Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)

Proposed programme budget for 2025 Part II  Political affairs; Section 3 Political affairs Special political missions; Thermal cluster I: special and personal envoys, advisers and representatives of the Secretary-General

Proposed programme budget for 2025: Part II Political affairs; Section 3 Political affairs Special political missions; Thematic cluster II: sanctions monitoring teams, groups and panels, and other entities and mechanisms

Proposed programme budget for 2025 Part II  Political affairs Special political missions 51勛圖 Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)

Proposed programme budget for 2025:  Programme budget implications of recommendations contained in the report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC)

Reports of the Advisory Committee to the General Assembly by session

Reports of the Advisory Committee to the General Assembly by subject

Reports of the Advisory Committee to other entities by year