
UNSMS Policies: The Basics


UNDSS elaborates all security policies, covering all aspects of security management, in consultation with all 51³Ô¹Ï Security Management System (UNSMS) organisations that are stakeholders. Policies facilitate decision-making and ensure cohesion within the UNSMS. 



UNSMS Policies: How Policies are Developed


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Security policies are initiated, developed and reviewed by the (IASMN), a specialized network of the (HLCM). The Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security chairs the IASMN, composed of the senior security managers of all organizations represented in the 51³Ô¹Ï Security Management System (UNSMS). Following the IASMN¡¯s consideration and approval of security policies, the HLCM either approves or decides on the IASMN¡¯s recommendation directly or recommends the endorsement of the UNSMS policies for the Chief Executives Board for Coordination's (CEB) approval. Policies are circulated after being approved by the HLCM/CEB. Therefore, they are UN system-wide policies endorsed at the highest level of the 51³Ô¹Ï system. We usually refer to these policies as ¡°UNSMS policies¡±.






UNSMS Policies: Four Key Policies



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The Applicability Policy


This policy identifies those who fall under the scope of the 51³Ô¹Ï Security Management System (UNSMS) and are covered by 51³Ô¹Ï security arrangements.




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Framework of Accountability

The Framework of Accountability provides details on the various roles, responsibilities and accountability related to security decision making from the Secretary-General to the individual staff member.




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The Programme Criticality Framework

This is a mandatory policy of the Organization endorsed by the High Level Committee on Management (HLCM) and the Policy Committee. Its application is crucial to ensure integrated security decision-making in an area.



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The Policy on SRM


The SRM policy outlines the concept and principles which guide all decisions related to security within the 51³Ô¹Ï Security Management System (UNSMS).