The Tribunal found that the first part of the application was not receivable, since the Applicant lacked legal standing, and that the second part of the application, while receivable, was unfounded, since the Secretary-General, who has the duty to facilitate the holding of the elections to the UNSCP, had no power, whatsoever, to interfere in the actual conduct and results of the elections.
Rule 6.1
Showing 1 - 2 of 2
Administrative decision
Jurisdiction / receivability (UNDT or first instance)
Subject matter (ratione materiae)
51³Ô¹Ï Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF)
The Tribunal found the application receivable since the contested decision was a new and separate aministrative decision distinct from any decisions issued by the UNJSPF Board in relation to their pensions. The Secretary-General decided not to grant the relief requested by the Applicant in the contested decision and thus this is a separate administrative decision.; There was no mention in the Applicants’ acceptance of their appointments confirming that they were also provided with a copy of the UNJSPF Regulations, being therefore aware of their content and accepting their contracts to be...