The charge relating to the unauthorized use of the UNON ID card to gain access to the UN premises in Nairobi was properly brought. However, before a conclusion was reached, the decision maker was required not simply to ask whether, as a question of fact, tax and duty free purchases were made by the staff member but also whether by doing so the staff member had the mens rea to abuse UN privileges and immunities or whether he genuinely believed, on reasonable grounds that he was entitled to have access to the UN Commissary. Based on the evidence, the Tribunal found that on the balance of...
UNICEF’s Human Resources Policy
Showing 1 - 2 of 2
Disciplinary matters / misconduct
Due process
Performance management
Performance evaluation
Separation from service
Burden of proof
Disciplinary matters / misconduct
Harassment (non-sexual)
Discrimination and other improper motives
Due process
In its findings, the Tribunal found that the evidence in support of the charges was credible and that the Applicant failed to prove that the decision to summarily dismiss him was arbitrary or motivated by prejudice or other extraneous factors, or was flawed by procedural irregularities or error of law. With regards to the Applicant’s allegations of breach of due process, the Tribunal could not find any evidence that the rights of the Applicant had been violated. The Tribunal was also satisfied that the Respondent discharged his burden of proof and that he made proper use of his discretion.