
World Trade Organization (WTO )

Integration of LDCs into global trade is a shared objective of the international community and an of the WTO. As of April 2024, 35 of the 45 LDCs were WTO members; two had signed accession protocols and will become members following the deposit of their respective instruments of acceptance of the protocols, and five were in the process of acceding to . WTO members offer LDCs greater market access opportunities, policy flexibility in implementing WTO rules and targeted technical assistance to strengthen trade capacity to support LDC integration into global trade.

LDCs also benefit from institutional support. WTO members discuss LDC trade challenges and priorities in the . Trade related elements of the UN Programme of Actions for LDCs have been woven into the WTO Work Programme on LDCs. LDCs coordinate their positions on various topics through the WTO LDC Consultative Group. The WTO LDC Consultative Group provides a forum for LDC delegations to identify topics of mutual interest. The LDC Unit of the WTO Secretariat provides support to the WTO LDC Group. Active participation of LDC delegations in WTO discussions resulted in several decisions taken by WTO members in favour of LDCs. In addition, LDC Trade Ministers and two high-level officials from each LDC receive travel support to participate in the WTO Ministerial Conferences.

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