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Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)
The supports LDCs in building strong trade institutions, ensuring evidence-based analysis and investing in productive sectors with high export potential. The EIF is approaching the end of its second phase, and an interim facility had been instituted as discussions continue in a taskforce at the WTO on a future aid for trade mechanism for LDCs.
EIF provides the following forms of support:
(a) Analytical studies that help the LDCs determine their biggest constraints to trade integration and prioritize actions to address them accordingly;
(b) Trade institutional capacity-building projects to improve the trade environment for sustainable and inclusive development;
(c) Productive sector capacity-building projects to ensure increased exports and access to international markets for LDCs;
(d) Thematic and regional projects to address cross-cutting priorities and promote regional linkages.
What happens after graduation?
The EIF*s current graduation policy allows countries that graduate from the LDC category to remain eligible to receive support from the EIF for five years after graduation. Deliberations on a future support mechanism will likely consider a smooth transition period.