Financing long-term strategies: are LDCs and donors aligned? IIED
This event explored whether expectations from LDCs are being met for climate action in the form of long-term strategies and climate-finance delivery. More information and recording .
This event explored whether expectations from LDCs are being met for climate action in the form of long-term strategies and climate-finance delivery. More information and recording .
11 October 2021. From the LDC Group:
The side event to the LDC5 Prepcom in May 2021 discussed?specific gaps and needs in climate risk management at the regional level, with a focus on food, water and ecosystems, and identify priority needs that should be addressed in the next 10 years to ensure LDCs can make steady and significant progress in addressing the adverse effects of climate change amidst other challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic.
4 May 2021.
4 May 2021. The European Union (EU) is in the process of establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), in the context of the European Green Deal.
On 9 December 2020, ahead of the?, the Royal Government of Bhutan, chair of the LDC Group at the UNFCCC, hosted the?Thimphu Ambition Summit: Momentum for a 1.5∼C World?to discuss critical issues around ambition, climate finance and the green economic recovery and showcase LDC leadership on climate action.