

Webinar: Asia Pacific LDCs* graduation, trade and pandemic

The graduation of the LDCs?is expected to mark a significant achievement in their development path. However, despite?new prospects, LDC graduation also present?some challenges in meeting the demands of a successful transition to the next stages of socio-economic development. Upon the graduation, LDCs will lose a number of support measures after specific transition periods.


From the WTO: China renews its contribution to the LDC and Accessions Programme


1 December 2020.? The government of China has pledged to renew its contribution of USD 500,000 (CHF 451,500) to the WTO*s Least Developed Countries and Accessions Programme (also known as the China Programme).??The China Programme aims to enable LDCs to better integrate into the global economy by strengthening their participation in WTO activities and helping those not yet members join the Organization. It provides financing to support

How innovative trade funding can help LDCs recover from COVID-19 - EIF and partners

The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the precarity of LDCs when it comes to financing and investments in support to trade. There is a growing consensus in the aid community that blending traditional Official Development Assistance (ODA) with private sector sources of capital through innovative finance mechanisms will be crucial to help LDCs recover from the pandemic.


From the WTO: rules of origin for LDCs


13 November 2020.??At its biannual meeting, the WTO Committee on Rules of Origin addressed the implementation of the Nairobi Decision on Preferential Rules of Origin for LDCs, the utilization of tariff preferences by LDC exporters of minerals and metals, transparency in non-preferential rules of origin and steps to ease rules of origin requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.? See the press release and links to relevant documents?