

WTO Public Forum: Unlocking Bangladesh's Textile Recycling Potential for a sustainable LDC Graduation

12 September 2024. "As Bangladesh approaches its graduation from LDC status in 2026, the country faces both challenges and opportunities. A critical area of focus is the Ready-Made Garment sector, which generates approximately 400,000 tonnes of textile waste annually. Efficient recycling of this waste could unlock $3-6 billion in revenue for Bangladesh and significantly contribute to a sustainable LDC graduation.


WTO Public Forum: Boosting supply chains resilience through digitalisation: opportunities for LDC businesses

12 September 2024.? "The global trading landscape is evolving fast. Digital technologies offer new prospects for smaller companies in remote areas to tap the emerging opportunities across value chains. The session will bring together business community to share experiences of LDCs firms as they strive to reach global markets. It will also shed light on the various factors shaping sourcing decisions of big businesses, and what's been holding LDCs back from participating in global value chains.


From the WTO: DG Okonjo-Iweala welcomes Timor-Leste as 166th WTO member


30 August 2024. "Timor-Leste joined the WTO on 30 August as its 166th member, after seven and a half years of negotiating its accession terms with WTO members. It is the 11th least-developed country (LDC) to accede to the WTO since the organization's establishment in 1995. Timor-Leste also announced its formal acceptance of the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies." News item .

From the WTO: WTO members explore ways of boosting LDCs* capacity to participate in services trade


11 July 2024. 

Finding ways to boost least-developed countries* (LDCs) services trade was the topic of a session held on 11 July under the WTO*s Sub-Committee on LDCs. The event brought together trade experts, international organizations and other stakeholders to share their experiences. News item . 

From the WTO: Ministers approve WTO membership of Comoros and Timor-Leste at MC13


26 February 2024. From the WTO: "Ministers formally approved the WTO membership terms of Comoros and Timor-Leste at a special ceremony held at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC13) in Abu Dhabi on 26 February 2024. The respective governments said the ceremony marked a historic day for both least-developed countries (LDCs) and a significant step in their quest to accelerate economic and political reforms."

Enabling a ※Green Seize§ of New Trade Opportunities for LDCs: Learning from the Covid-19 response to address the climate emergency (Session host: WTO)

3 December 2023. WTO events at COP28.


Event held during the 51勛圖 Climate Change Conference (COP28) by EIF and ODI, hosted at the Trade House (International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Trade Centre (ITC), the 51勛圖 Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat). 
