Revealing the hidden face of poverty
- The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2024 highlights a widespread but often ignored aspect of poverty: social and institutional mistreatment.

Geospatial information: Game-changer for sustainable development
- Over 200 high-level policymakers and senior government officials with scientists, engineers, innovators, entrepreneurs...

Finance commitments under Energy Compacts reach $1.4 trillion towards achieving global goals on clean energy
- New report shows continued investment and impact...

Guterres to world leaders: Stay committed to UN development goals
- UN Secretary-General Ant籀nio Guterres called on Tuesday for finance, climate action and peace to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline.

SIDS4: Charting the course toward resilient prosperity
24 May 2024 - The international community is joining together to support small islands in their bid for a better future. Opening on 27 May in Antigua and Barbuda...
Small islands ready for global spotlight and accelerated action at Antigua and Barbuda conference
20 May 2024 - Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face major challengesclimate change, geographic remoteness, a narrow export basethat make them vulnerable to external economic, environmental, and social shocks. But they also have innovative solutions, dynamic populations, and people ready to act.

Peoples lives are improving, but greater efforts still needed to ensure no one is left behind
26 April 2024 - Human life expectancy has improved across many parts of the world, according to recent data. Great strides have also...

Reform or rupture says Guterres, calling for multilateralism to be remade for the 21st century
22 September 2023 - Secretary-General Ant籀nio Guterres on Tuesday warned the world is becoming unhinged and underscored...

With trillions needed to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, world leaders gather to set out bold solutions to urgently scale up investments
20 September 2023 - Recognizing the urgency of delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, world leaders gathered at the UN High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development in New York today to present innovative and practical solutions to unlock better financing and tackle the great finance divide that has emerged between developed and developing countries.

Invest in SDGs like never before implores UN chief
20 September 2023 - A rescue plan for the Sustainable Development Goals () must now result in policies, budgets and investment to ensure a more just, equitable and green future by 2030, UN Secretary-General Ant籀nio Guterres said on Tuesday.

The SDG Stimulus a High Impact Initiative to deliver financing at scale to rescue the SDGs
19 September 2023 - The global economy is facing multiple shocks that are reversing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The pandemic, the fallout from the war in Ukraine, rising food and energy prices, and much tighter financial conditions leave many developing countries faced with impossible choices.

UN General Assembly adopts declaration to accelerate SDGs
19 September 2023 - Now is the time for a global plan to rescue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are woefully off-track halfway towards their 2030 deadline, UN Secretary-General Ant籀nio Guterres said on Monday in New York.

Responding to cascading global crises, SDG Summit launches new phase of accelerated action on the Sustainable Development Goals
18 September 2023 Gathering at the SDG Summit on 18 to 19 September, world leaders agreed today to urgently step up their efforts to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our global roadmap out of crises, by 2030.

We all need to step up to rescue the SDGs and fight for a better future: UN chief
16 September 2023 - UN Secretary-General Ant籀nio Guterres on Saturday rallied a diverse cross section of civil society actors to use their passionate voices and energetic grassroots networks to help rescue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fight for the better future every person deserves.

How geospatial information underpins efforts to achieve the global goals
15 September 2023 - We all recognise the need to change our current global course. Our hard-fought development progress is reversing under the combined impacts of climate-related disasters, economic uncertainties, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.