
2017 Meeting of the National Focal Points of the Least Developed Countries on the Implementation of the IPoA

Thursday, 13 July 2017 - 9:30am to Friday, 14 July 2017 - 4:30pm

The annual meeting of the LDCs National Focal Points is the first gathering of the National Focal Points of LDCs after the midterm review of the Istanbul Programme of Actions (IPoA) held in Antalya, Turkey in June 2016. In line with the 2017 Flagship Report on Financing the IPoA and the SDGs prepared by UN-OHRLLS, the thematic discussion of the meeting will focus on strategies for financing the IPoA and the SDGs. It will also provide an opportunity to review progress in accelerating the implementation and monitoring of the IPoA within the context of the 2030 agenda.

The National Focal Points have been invited to share views on how to strengthen their role in enhancing the implementation of the IPoA, and to discuss effective coordination mechanisms between their respective capitals, missions in New York, and UN-OHRLLS. Additionally, countries will have the opportunity to present their national assessments on development finance, integrated financing solutions, and to share best practices and lessons learned in mainstreaming the IPoA into national development strategies. Representatives from development partners, relevant UN agencies, and UN regional commissions will also share their perspectives to enrich the discussion.
