High-level Political Forum 2020 Side Event: UN Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the VPoA for LLDCs in the Decade for Action and COVID-19 Era

The COVID-19 pandemic*s impact spans the economic, social, environmental and political spheres, with the LLDCs likely amongst those most impacted.
It will undoubtedly pose serious constraints on the pursuit of LLDCs in achieving the goals and targets of the Vienna Programme of Action and the SDGs.
The Comprehensive High-level Mid-term Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) was convened in New York on 5-6 December 2019 to review progress made, identify best practices and lessons learnt as well as remaining obstacles and the actions to accelerate the implementation of the Programme. The Midterm Review adopted a Political Declaration (A/RES/74/15) which symbolized the renewed commitment of the international community to support the aspirations of the LLDCs on their path towards sustainable development.
The Midterm Review revealed that although some progress had been achieved in implementation of the VPoA and on some SDGs by LLDCs, the progress is not sufficient and the LLDCs are lagging behind. As the international community embarks on the Decade of Action to deliver on the SDGs by 2030, greater support for LLDCs is essential. The SDGs cannot be achieved if the most vulnerable countries, such as the LLDCs, are left behind.
The High-Level Political Forum*s 2020 theme "Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development" is particularly relevant for the 32 LLDCs, in light of the outcome of the Midterm Review of the VPoA and the COVID-19 crisis.
In light of the above, UN-OHRLLS has coordinated, in consultation with other UN system agencies and relevant international and regional organizations, the development of a UN Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the VPoA in the Remaining Five Years. The objective of the Roadmap is to identify key actions and concrete activities and deliverables by the UN system and other regional and international organizations towards accelerated implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action.
This HLPF Side Event is an opportunity for LLDCs and their partners to review and discuss the UN Roadmap. It will also facilitate sharing of LLDC experiences in dealing with the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The event will feature a discussion among panellists representing different stakeholders from Member States and the UN system, followed by an interactive dialogue with members of the audience. Participants will include Member States, in particular the Landlocked Developing Countries, UN system organizations, as well as representatives from academia, the private sector and civil society.
The event will increase awareness and spur deeper discussions around the needed deliverables by the UN system and other international organizations towards achieving accelerated implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action during the Decade for Action and COVID-19 era and ultimately helping achieve sustainable development in the LLDCs.
Co-organized by: Chair of the Group of the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Office of the High Representative of Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Islands Developing States (OHRLLS)
Chair of the Group of LLDCs
Mr. Nurzhan Rakhmetov
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan
Email: nurzhandf@gmail.com
Ms. Dagmar Hertova
Programme Management Officer
Email: hertova@un.org
Background Materials |
Photo: South Sudanese refugees practice social distancing as they wait to access a food distribution at Kakuma camp.