Malawi Sustainable Energy Investment Study: Validation Workshop and Launch

This workshop marks the finalization of the Malawi Sustainable Energy Investment Study. The project was launched in February 2019 to articulate how Malawi can attract and generate the required investment to achieve SDG7, and leapfrog to clean energy, with a view to contributing to the objectives of the Paris Agreement and holding the increase in the global average temperature to ※well below 2∼C§.
Over the past 9 months, Rocky Mountain Institute has supported the preparation of the Investment Study in close collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy, and Mining. The study proposes a clear roadmap for achieving Malawi*s goals: increasing supply of and access to reliable, affordable energy, as a platform for industrial and socio-economic development.
The Investment Study makes a detailed assessment of the power sector and cooking solutions, identifying and prioritizing projects to create a pathway that will achieve Malawi*s goals. A least-cost analysis of potential generation scenarios informs an optimal approach, that reaches targets at the least cost to government and consumers.
Background Materials
- Concept Note
- Draft Programme
- Summary for Decision Makers
- Malawi Sustainable Energy Investment Study
- Malawi Sustainable Energy Investment Study: Presentation
- Malawi Sustainable Energy Investment Study: Summary Report of the Event