

24 July 2024

The Doha Programme of Action for the LDCs (DPoA) sets forth ambitious targets and goals to achieve sustainable, resilient and transformative development for the decade 2022-2031. Effective follow-up and robust monitoring are crucial for the successful implementation of the DPoA.

10 May 2024

Date and Venue

Friday 10 May 13:15-14:30

Trusteeship Council Chamber,?UN?Headquarters (New York, US)

Access to our concept note >>

05 March 2024

Innovation for structural transformation in Least Developed Countries
5-6 March 2024, Helsinki, Finland


The world is far off track in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Least developed countries are in danger of being left even further behind. With eight years left to 2030, we must urgently develop new ways to accelerate the needed transformations.

29 February 2024


12 December 2023

On December 13, Bhutan officially leaves the category of the least developed countries (LDCs) - a major milestone that reflects the Himalayan country*s remarkable development progress, especially thanks to its ?unique &gross national happiness* approach.

15 November 2023

The Tenth Ministerial Conference of the Least Developed Countries (LDCMC10)?will strengthen commitments towards the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action?by bringing together a variety of partners to explore innovative strategies and solutions for sustainable industrialization of the Least Develope