
Secretary-General's Report on the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa


Report of the Secretary-General on the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa

The 2024 edition of the report provides an overview of the peace and security landscape in Africa, the continent¡¯s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, and the interlinkages between peace and security, development, humanitarian action, and human rights in accelerating progress. It also addresses the rule of law in Africa from the perspective of the people-centred approach outlined in the Secretary-General¡¯s 2023 New Vision for the Rule of Law, recognizing its vital importance as a foundation for inclusive sustainable development, conflict prevention, and peace. The report highlights how challenges to the rule of law and access to justice hinder economic opportunities, erode social cohesion, and undermine political stability, fuelling conflict and creating opportunities for harmful non-state actors, particularly extremist groups, to fill the void. Examples of people-centred approaches to addressing rule of law challenges on the continent are also provided.

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Report of the Secretary-General on the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa

The report provides a broad overview of the peace and security landscape in Africa from July 2022 to June 2023, as well as the continent¡¯s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on the intersectionality between peace and security, development, humanitarian action and human rights. The report also provides an in-depth analysis of unemployment and lack of decent work as potential drivers of conflict and insecurity in Africa. Finally, the report provides concrete examples of how the 51³Ô¹Ï system, African Member States and relevant development partners have utilized a coherent, cross-pillar approach to support prevention efforts through the pursuit of the sustainable development of Africa under the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.

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Report of the Secretary-General on the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa

During 2021, political instability increased in many parts of Africa while socioeconomic conditions deteriorated following the COVID-19 outbreak and other global crises. Building on the analysis of the previous report, this report provides an assessment of the impact of politics and governance on conflict and sustainable development, including an exploration of the effect of colonial, political, legal and administrative structures on current shortcomings in African countries¡¯ performance on governance. The report analyzes the formal territory of the State, the actual presence of the State throughout its territory, and the geographical presence of different population groups whose identities are affiliated with the State and that might exceed its formal borders. While assessing the role that traditional African institutions and African integration efforts can play, the report takes a historical perspective on governance challenges in Africa, focusing on governance and conflict trends since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Report of the Secretary-General on the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa

This report is prepared by the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) in response to the General Assembly resolution 74/302 requesting the Secretary-General to monitor and report on an annual basis on persistent and emerging challenges to the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa. Other departments, offices, agencies, funds and programmes of the UN system contributed to the report through the Inter-Departmental Task Force on African Affairs (IDTFAA). In implementing this mandate, OSAA also engaged with a broad range of stakeholders, including Member States, non-governmental and civil society organizations, the private sector, academia, women and youth groups.

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Report of the Secretary-General on the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa

The report highlights progress made on the peace and security, and development in Africa, assesses persisting and emerging conflict trends and their root causes and outlines the support provided by the UN to Africa from July 2018 to June 2019. The report also looks at the challenge of forced displacement in Africa, which aligns with the African Union theme of the year for 2019 on ¡°Refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons in Africa: towards durable solutions to forced displacement.¡± Forced displacement, internal or external, is a complex global crisis with far-reaching and multi-faceted impact, particularly concerning the shared aspiration of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 of the African Union. Identifying and implementing sustainable, durable solutions to the challenge entails adopting a comprehensive, integrated, coordinated and inclusive approach that promotes multisectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships.

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