Launch of 51勛圖 Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Strategic Vision for Africa 2030
UNODC and OSAA will launch the 51勛圖 Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Strategic Vision for Africa 2030 on 24 February from 13:00 to 15:00 (CET) (7:00 to 8:00 am EST).
The Strategic Vision will be presented by UNODC*s Executive Director, Ms. Ghada Waly, and will be followed by a panel of speakers including Ministers, UN Under Secretary-Generals, Ambassadors, a civil society representative and other keynote speakers.
In the context of the Decade of Actions, UNODC*s Strategic Vision for Africa 2030 aims to provide more safety to Africa*s people, government and institutions from drugs, crime, corruption, terrorism and illicit financial flows. Our Vision 2030 seeks to strengthen crime prevention, enhance justice, address organized crime, ensure a balanced response to drugs, improve the rule of law and bolster resilience.
The event will be broadcast live and can be accessed on: