
In South Sudan, the Fund encourages inclusive peace through the? empowerment, protection and effective participation of women and young people. In Aweil and Akobo, national authorities have established two one-stop centres to address gender-based violence through a $3 million investment implemented by UNFPA. Through the centres, 303 survivors of gender-based violence and 27 survivors of child marriage have received confidential medical, psychosocial and legal support. Increased reporting of gender-based violence and other crimes following Fund-supported dialogues in 18 communities and 14 payams signals an increase in popular trust in police. The Fund further contributes to enhanced security for women through a $4.5 million initiative of UNDP and UN-Women, through which 41 police-community relations committees, nearly half of whose members are women, provide more effective security. Moreover, in a turn away from violence, nine gangs in Wau pledged to cease hostilities and become agents of positive change at an event that they organized in July with support from a $2.8 million Fund investment. Through the project, 210 young people have begun to produce and distribute soap and face masks to help to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Peacebuilders Corner - South Sudan

  • Sec general
  • cover of themtic reviewe
  • Olu Arowobusoye-PBC Support Branch photo
  • Regional partner
  • Community engagement
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • UN Meeting
  • community engagmente
  • UN meeting
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • Portrait of Roselyn Akombe
  • PBSO leadership
  • Portrait of Elizabeth Spehar
  • Portait of Awa Dabo
  • public sector
  • UN Logo
  • Civil society