

In 2021, despite coup-related insecurity, Fund investment in Mali helped to ensure the establishment and operation of much-needed legal infrastructure related to human rights and land-based conflict. Through a joint effort of OHCHR, UN-Women, UNDP and Interpeace, 46 land-related disputes in central Mali were resolved through mediation by newly established Fund-supported land commissions. Other aspects of Fund investment in Mali have supported reducing social and political exclusion that leads to grievances and fuels conflict. Following an initiative of FAO, UNDP and UN-Women to support more youth-responsive local development plans, 83 per cent of young people in six communities in central Mali reported satisfaction with their improved socioeconomic conditions. At the policy level, a national youth policy was drafted and validated at a national youth conference through a partnership between the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Civic Education and Citizenry Construction, UNICEF and Search for Common Ground. The policy is aimed at fostering trust among national and local leaders, authorities and young people through a broader institutionalized approach.

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Youth Work for a Bright Future in Mali

Project and Portfolio Evaluations

Youth Work for a Bright Future in Mali

Partners Mission to Mali in 2017

Communities address root causes of the crisis in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger

  • Sec general
  • cover of themtic reviewe
  • Olu Arowobusoye-PBC Support Branch photo
  • Regional partner
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • UN Meeting
  • community engagmente
  • UN meeting
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • Community engagement
  • Portrait of Roselyn Akombe
  • Portrait of Elizabeth Spehar
  • PBSO leadership
  • Portait of Awa Dabo
  • public sector
  • UN Logo
  • Civil society