Mali July 2018 Project Evaluation - Amelioration de I'acces des femmes victimes de violences sexuelles - French Langue Undefined
Mali 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au renforcement de resilience aux conflits des femmes at des jeunes - French Langue Undefined
Liberia November 2018 Project Evaluation - Strengthening Women's Rights and Participation in Peacebuilding - English Langue Undefined
Kyrgyzstan 2018 Project Evaluation - Women and Girls as Drivers of Peace and the Prevention of Radicalization - English Langue Undefined
Kyrgyzstan 2018 Project Evaluation - Youth as Agents of Peace and Stability - English Langue Undefined
Guatemala October 2018 Project Evaluation - Paz, Oportunidades y Dialogo - Mujeres comprometidas para tener resultados - Spanish Langue Undefined
Cote D'Ivoire 2018 Project Evaluation - Les Femmes et Les Jeunes Filles- Actrices de Ia Prevention des Conflits - French Langue Undefined
CAR May 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au processus de Reconciliation nationale - French Langue Undefined
CAR December 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au Redeploiement de I'Administration Territoriale - French Langue Undefined