
Sierra Leone

In 2021, in Sierra Leone, the Fund combines dispute resolution at the local level with support for livelihoods to encourage community-driven solutions that engage young people in decision-making and conflict prevention. In Moyamba and Pujehun districts, thus far, 26 of 78 disputes between communities and private companies have been resolved through Fund-supported grievance redress committees. Through the same initiative of WFP and UNDP, the repair of irrigation canals by 3,600 young people has reduced tensions between farmers’ associations and private companies, resulting in no instances of violence since the repairs were made. In Tonkolili and Pujehun districts, a $1.4 million project of the organization Cordaid has helped community-based dispute resolution mechanisms to be more inclusive of young people. Youth empowerment has been reinforced by a $3 million project of FAO, UNDP and UNFPA through which 418 young people at risk of gang recruitment have joined local decision-making mechanisms, have been provided support through socioeconomic opportunities and have been encouraged to work with authorities to devise better initiatives for youth engagement and reintegration.

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Project Evaluations

Mission Possible: As women take the lead in Sierra Leone, the future brightens

  • Sec general
  • cover of themtic reviewe
  • Olu Arowobusoye-PBC Support Branch photo
  • Regional partner
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • UN Meeting
  • community engagmente
  • UN meeting
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • Community engagement
  • Portrait of Roselyn Akombe
  • Portrait of Elizabeth Spehar
  • PBSO leadership
  • Portait of Awa Dabo
  • public sector
  • UN Logo
  • Civil society