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¡ª A ¡ª
- Action against Child Exploitation (ACE)
- Action on Smoking and Health and 177 co-signatories (ASH)
- Ad-hoc Gender Working Group
- Afro4UN
- ?gora Ciudadanos Cambiando M¨¦xico A.C.
- Alana Institute
- Alefa Diaspora
- Alliance des G¨¦n¨¦rations pour le Climat
- Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering (DSG)
- Alliance For the Future (AFF)
- Alliance for Universal Digital Rights (AUDRi)
- Alternative Planetary Futures Institute (Ap-Fi)
- American Psychological Association, European Federation of Psychologists¡¯ Associations, Federation of Swiss Psychologists
- Amnesty International
- Anglican Consultative Council
- Anti-Crime Intelligence Society (ACIS)
- Arab NGO Network for Development
- Arts & Culture Working Group
- Associa??o pela Sa¨²de Emocional de Crian?as (ASEC)
- Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
- Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (APA)
- Association d¡¯Aide ¨¤ l¡¯Education de l¡¯Enfant Handicap¨¦ (AAEEH)
- Association Global Humaniste
¡ª B ¡ª
- Bah¨¢¡¯¨ª International Community (BIC)
- Blavatnik School of Government (University of Oxford), Future of Climate Cooperation, Simon Institute for Longterm Governance, 51³Ô¹Ï Foundation Next Generation Fellows, Institute for Future Studies, Uppsala University, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, International Chamber of Commerce, Jos¨¦ Jaime Villalobos
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
- Basel Peace Office
- Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit/Disability and Development Cooperation (bezev)
- Biozid Cimate Institut
- Blue Smoke
- Born Free Foundation
- Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education
- Breakthrough (Rising against gender-based violence)
- Bridge 47
¡ª C ¡ª
- Canada Towards 2030
- Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
- Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (CNANW)
- CANEUS International
- CDAC Network
- Center for Global Nonkilling
- Centre for Health Science and Law, Ottawa, Canada
- Center for New Sustainable Business Initiatives (CNSBI)
- Centre for Responsible Business (CRB)
- Child-Focused Agencies (Childfund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children¡¯s Villages, and World Visio)
- Child Rights Connect & Terre des hommes international Federation
- Climate Governance Commission (CGC)
- Coalition 2030
- Coalition for the UN We Need
- Commission Nationale des Acteurs de la Societe Civile pour le Suiv De la Politique Economique et Sociale (CASC)
- Commons Cluster of the UN NGO Major Group
- Commonwealth Peace Youth Ambassadors Network (CYPAN)
- Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
- CONSEJO CHILENO DE PROSPECTIVA Y ESTRATEGIA (Chilean Council of Foresight and Strategy)
- Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (think tank / NGO)
- Corporaci¨®n Cultural Nueva Acr¨®polis Chile
- Creative Commons
- Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS)
- Culture 2030 Goal campaign
- Czech Council of Children and Youth
¡ª D ¡ª
- Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery (DRGR) project
- Dem¨¤ Social
- Democracy Without Borders (DWB)
- Democratic Odyssey Constituent Network
- Development Initiatives
- Divergent Think Tank
- DMS Academy
- Deutsche Stiftung Weltbev?lkerung (DSW)
- Deutsche Welle Akademie
¡ª E ¡ª
- Earth Law Center
- ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
- Emmaus International
- Engajamundo Youth Association
- Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice
- European Committee of the Regions
- The European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC Network)
- European Minority Parliamentarians Caucus
- European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)
- European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
- E-Warehouse Consulting
¡ª F ¡ª
- F¨¢brica dos Sonhos and Right to Dream Movement
- Federation of Congolese Abroad (FCE)
- Felm 1859
- Finn Church Aid (FCA)
- Fondazione Proclade Internazionale-onlus
- Forum For Global Solidarity Tax Input
- F¨°s Feminista - Previously International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region
- Fondation Eboko
- Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS)
- Foundations for Tomorrow
- Fundaci¨®n Multitudes
- Fundaci¨®n Victimas Vulnerable, Mujeres Afro Independentes (FUNVIMUFROIN)
- Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC)
- Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
- Future Generations Global Ambassadors
- FuturePeace - A Global Network of Peace and Conflict researchers
¡ª G ¡ª
- Gak Tabu Lagi
- Geled¨¦s ¨C Instituto da Mulher Negra
- Generation Squeeze
- Generocity - Effective Altriutism Hong Kong
- German Library Association/ Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V. (dbv)
- Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute
- Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage and 124 organisations that work towards ending child marriage (listed in the Annex)
- Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP)
- Global Alliance of Leaders for Nuclear Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free World (GAL)
- Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
- Global Campaign for Education-US
- Global Futurist Initiative
- Global Cities Hub
- Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors
- The Global Crop Diversity Trust
- Global Enviro-Action
- Global Forum for Media Development
- Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
- Global Initiative for Digital Rights
- Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict)
- Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)
- Global Pact Coalition
- Global Partners Digital, Access Now, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Derechos Digitales - Am¨¦rica Latina, Association for Progressive Communications (Joint Civil Society Input)
- Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
- Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
- Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) and Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
- Global Policy Forum (GPF)
- Global Research and Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract (Green Economy Coalition &UN Research Institute for Social Developmen)
- Global Security Institute
- GUAVA Amenities
- Guzaarish Foundation
¡ª H ¡ª
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL)
- Helen Woodward Animal Center
- HelpAge International
- Hiroshima Prefecture / Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe)
- HIR Wellness Institute
- Human Rights Watch
¡ª I ¡ª
- Igarap¨¦ Institute
- I¡¯m Human Org
- Inclusive Global Health Institutions Project
- Informal Youth Working Group for the Summit of the Future
- Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security (IEDS), University of Vermont, USA
- Instituto Global da Paz/Global Peace Foundation Brazil
- International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
- International Alliance of Women (IAW)
- International Association of Independent Journalists Inc.
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
- International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
- International Council of Environmental law (ICEL)
- International Environment Forum (IEF)
- International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
- International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD)
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
- International Federation of Social Workers IFSW
- International Intel
- International Music Council
- International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
- International Rescue Committee
- International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group
- International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GloCha
- Interpeace (International organisation for peacebuilding)
- International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) Plan International
- Irish Development Education Association (IDEA)
- IT for Change, India
¡ª J ¡ª
- Japan ¨C Africa Space Business Network (JASBN)
- Japan Association of Environment and Society for the 21st Century (JAES21)
¡ª K ¡ª
- Khaldoon Alshatheely
¡ª L ¡ª
- LDC (Least Developed Countries) Watch
- Leeds Beckett University (United Kingdom)
- Legal Pact for the Future
- Life Project 4 Youth (LP4Y)
- ListenGive Initiative
- Luxembourg Strategy
¡ª M ¡ª
- Make Mothers Matter (MMM)
- Malaysian Youth Diplomacy (MyDiplomacy)
- Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)
- Microsoft
- Monash Sustainable Development Institute
- Moon Village Association (MVA)
- MUNers Without Borders
- My World Mexico
¡ª N ¡ª
- National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan)
- National Peace Corps Association
- National Student Council (NSC)
- NCD Alliance
- Network of Institutions and Leaders for Future Generations (NiFG)
- New York City Bar Association
- New York University Center on International Cooperation
- NGO Committee on Sustainable Development - NY, Inc.
- NGO Committee on Financing for Development
- NGO Working Group to End Homelessness
- Nonviolent Peaceforce
- Nursing Now Global Challengers Committee
¡ª O ¡ª
¡ª P ¡ª
- P.P. International Climate Change Ambassadors
- Paris Peace Forum: Climate Overshoot Commission
- Parliament of the World's Religions
- Partnership for Future Generations in Africa
- Peace Child International
- Peace Direct
- Peace Through Unity Charitable Trust
- Plan Internationa
- Playfight
- PMU ¨C Swedish Pentecostal Churches, relief and development body
- POLILAT ¨C Consultor¨ªa pol¨ªtica con sentido
- Posterity International
- Private Sector Mechanism of UN Committee on Food Security
- Project Liberty¡¯s Institute
- Project Ploughshares
¡ª Q ¡ª
¡ª R ¡ª
- R.K Atikpo Foundation LBG
- Red Agenda 2030 MX
- Reporters sans fronti¨¨res (RSF)
- The Republican Public Association for Sustainable Development of Regions "Asyl Niet"
- Restless Development
- RISE Institute
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Running-Fluent Initiative
- Rural Reconstruction Nepal-RRN
¡ª S ¡ª
- Safety Centre Hazard Alley
- SAHRiNGON Tanzania Chapter
- Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development
- Save the Children International
- Scholars at Risk
- School of International Futures
- The Strategic Concept for the Removal of Arms and Proliferation (SCRAP Weapons)
- SDG4 Youth and Students Network
- Secure World Foundation
- SecurityWomen
- Shanghai Green Light-Year Environmental Service Center
- Shrawani Shagun Academician
- Social Watch
- Soka Gakkai International
- Solidaris - Union Nationale des Mutualit¨¦s Socialistes - Solidaris (Solidaris)
- Sonmaz Mashall Cultural Relations Public Union
- Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the 51³Ô¹Ï Programme on Space Applications (abbreviated Space Generation Advisory Council, or SGAC)
- Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
- Stimson Center / Global Governance Innovation Network
- Stockholm International Water Institute
- Suomen YK-Liitto 51³Ô¹Ï Association of Finland
- Sustainable Common Security
- Sustainable Development Council
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
¡ª T ¡ª
- Teach the Future
- Team 54 Project International
- The Centre for Applied Cultural Heritage Research at The Kivik¡¯s Museum & Archives Foundation (Sweden)
- The Commonwealth Scholarships Commission
- The Foundation for the Voluntary Team for Humanitarian Work
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- The Global Youth Review
- The International Association for Human Values (IAHV)
- The Ishola Empire Incorporated
- The Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind (commonly known as Sightsavers)
- The Student Political Research Initiative for New Governance (SPRING) Institute
- The Tomorrow
- The Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network
- The Working Group on Girls (WGG)
- The World Hepatitis Alliance
- The Young Canadians Roundtable on Health (YCRH)
- Tianjin Eco-city Friend of Green Eco-Culture Promotion Association
- Transboundary Water In-Cooperation Network (TWIN), Vermont, USA
- Transparency International Defence & Security
¡ª U ¡ª
- UHC2030
- UK SDG Data and Policy Hub
- UN-accountable
- UNASCAD (Union des Amis Socio Culturels d¡¯Action en D¨¦veloppement)
- UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden
- UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Coalition for Sustainability Science
- UNISC International
- United Against Torture Consortium
- 51³Ô¹Ï Association of Mongolia
- 51³Ô¹Ï Civil Society Youth Representatives Steering Committee (UN YRSC)
- United Institutions Foundation
- Unlock the Future Coalition
- Ustawi Analytica
¡ª W ¡ª
- War Child
- Well-being of Future Generations (Japan) Act Project
- Women First International Fund (previously Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund)
- Women Graduates ¨C USA, Inc
- Women in AI Ethics
- Women¡¯s Corner Cameroon (WoCC)
- Women¡¯s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI)
- Women¡¯s International League for Peace and Freedom
- Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Norwegian section ¨C IKFF-Bergen
- Women¡¯s Platform
- World Academy of Human Sciences
- World Benchmarking Alliance
- World Eco-Design Conference (WEDC)
- World Federalist Movement ¨C Institute for Global Policy
- World Federalist Movement / Institute for Global Policy ¨C Transnational Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and other disruptive technologies
- World Federation for Animals
- World Future Council
- World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA)
- World Institute on Disability
- World Jewish Congress
- World Peace Alliance
- World Roma Federation
- World Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED)
- Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
¡ª Y ¡ª
- Youth Empowerment Wave Global (YEW Global) Foundation
- York University, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), International Association of Universities (IAU)
- Young Experts; Tech 4 Heath (YET4H)
- Youth for Change
- ¡°YouthLED¡± Integrity Advisory Board to the Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE) Initiative at the UNODC (51³Ô¹Ï Office on Drugs and Crime)
- Youths Enterprise Development & Innovation Society (YEDIS)