
Commission on the Status of Women
42nd Session

2-13 March 1998

Official Documents
Expert Group meetings

The CSW 42nd session was held at UN Headquarters 2-13 March 1998.

At this session the Commission monitored the implementation of the following critical areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action: The Girl-child, Women and Armed Conflict, Violence against Women, and Human Rights of Women as well as continue its work on an Optional Protocol to CEDAW. The Commission also considered the emerging issue: Ageing Women and conduct a mid-term review of the UN System-wide medium term plan on women and development.

Official Documents

Agreed Conclusions

(The following documents are in PDF pdf format format)

Expert Group Meetings

The following four Expert Group Meetings were held by UNDAW in preparation for the 42nd session of CSW:

  • Expert Group Meeting: "Adolescent Girls and their Rights"
    (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-17 Oct. 1997). See the Aide Memoire and Report
  • Expert Group Meeting: "Gender-based Persecution"
    (Toronto, Canada, 9 - 12 November 1997). See the Aide Memoire and Report
  • Expert Group Meeting: "Promoting Women's Enjoyment of their Economic and Social Rights" (Turku, Finland, 1 - 4 December 1997). See the Aide Memoire and Report
  • Expert Group Meeting: "Ageing Women and Care"
    (Valleta, Malta, 30 November-2 December 1997). See the Aide Memoire and Report


For a list of panelists, click here

  • Panel I: Human Rights of Women, Tues, 3 March, p.m.
  • Panel II: The Girl Child, Wed. 4 March, a.m.
  • Panel III: Women and Armed Conflict, Wed. 4 March p.m.
  • Panel IV: Violence against Women, Thurs. 5 March, p.m.