
Courteney Mukoyi, a young tech activist from Zimbabwe.
Human Rights

Courteney¡¯s quest for e-Democracy

From Zimbabwe¡¯s Tech to Global Recognition
Peace and Security

Elections in Liberia: UN-ECOWAS joint mission calls for peaceful electioneering period

All political actors urged to safeguard the hard-earned peace and national cohesion of the country
Despite a fragile security situation, Central Africans overwhelmingly exercised their civic duty by
Peace and Security

Elections in Africa go on amid COVID-19

Despite the pandemic, most countries stuck to their polling schedules in 2020.
Nigerian youth campaigning for a reduction in the age limit of those vying for office.
Youth and Political Participation

Youth: Getting ready for public office

Young Africans celebrate the first fruit of ¡®Not Too Young to Run¡¯ Campaign
Liberian political party supporters celebrate an election victory. Photo: UN /Albert Gonz¨¢lez Farran

The evolving state of African elections

Twenty African countries to elect their leaders in 2018
The Gambia¡¯s former president Yahya Jammeh (in white) prepares to depart from Banjul airport to exile in Guinea Bissau on January 21, 2017. Photo:?Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

Gambia¡¯s democracy survives political turbulence

Peaceful transfer of power trending on the continent
Fatou Bensouda, ICC Prosecutor (left) and James Stewart, ICC Deputy Prosecutor. Photo: ICC

ICC: Beyond the threats of withdrawal

African countries in dilemma over whether to leave or support the International Criminal Court
A voter casts her vote in Togo¡¯s elections. Photo: UNDP Togo/Emile Kenkou
Strong Institutions

The art of midwifing elections in Africa

Credible electoral bodies key to ensuring peace and stability
Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan (left) and President-elect Muhammadu Buhari shake hands. In the middle is former head of state, Gen (Rtd) Abdulsalam Abubakar.
Web Feature

African presidential elections 2015: Nigeria leads the way

Seven other African countries; Burkina-Faso, Burundi, Central Africa Republic, the Comoros, C?te d¡¯Ivoire, Sudan and Togo are set to hold elections in 2015

Stabilizing Somalia: a new chapter begins

A ¡°make or break¡± point for the country¡¯s new leaders

Building peace from the ground up

Key roles for civil society in keeping violence at bay

African elections: works in progress

Trends are encouraging, but some polls still fall short
Africa at 50

Good governance: central to all progress

Autocracy gives way to multi-party elections and greater openness

Ghana takes African governance exam

¡°Peer review¡± highlights progress, need for more reforms

Liberian woman breaks the ¡®glass ceiling¡¯

Ambitious agenda for President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf