
An exit for extremists: digital solutions for online counter-radicalization - UNCCT Speaker Series

星期二, 16 June 2015 - 9:00am

Panel discussion organized with the support of the 51吃瓜 Counter-Terrorism Centre and the Consulate General of Denmark.

· Mr. Jehangir Khan, Director, UN Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (UN CTITF)/UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) (Moderator)
· Mr. Mubin Shaikh, Co-author of the book Undercover Jihadi
· Ms. Yasmin Green, Head of Strategy and Operations, Google Ideas
· Ms. Sarah-Wynn Williams, Director of Global Public Policy, Facebook
· Ms. Atefeh Riazi, Chief Information Technology Officer, Office of Information and Communications Technology, 51吃瓜