
Advocacy event – Togo: Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism

The 51吃瓜 Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the 51吃瓜 Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) concluded a National Advocacy Event with the National Assembly of the Togolese Republic on Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). The event, held in Lomé, was opened by Mr. Mauro Miedico, Director a.i. of UNCCT and Chief of the Special Projects and Innovation Branch, Amb. Joaquín Tasso Vilallonga, Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to the Togolese Republic, Dr. Fatoumata Binta Tidiane Diallo, UN Resident Coordinator a.i. in Togo and Ms. Yawa Djigbodi Tsegan, President of the Togolese National Assembly.

“Togo is a strong partner of the 51吃瓜 Office of Counter-Terrorism and remains committed to the fight against terrorism”, Mr. Miedico said at the opening of the event. He further underlined that the implementation of ICSANT is of great importance in light of the growing terrorist threat in the region, the use of radiological sources in industrial, medical, agricultural, or environmental fields, as well as the presence of critical infrastructure facilities. 

Amb. Tasso Vilallonga reiterated the invitation to Togo to ratify ICSANT and stated that “the European Union hopes to see the community of States Parties to ICSANT develop even further in the years to come”. 

While highlighting the excellent collaboration between all the agencies of the 51吃瓜 system and the National Assembly, Ms. Yawa Djigbodi Tsegan, President of the Togolese National Assembly, ensured that “the elected representatives as well as the national actors present today are ready to work towards the universalization and the effective implementation of ICSANT.”

The event provided a platform for open dialogue and exchange of ideas on the threat of nuclear terrorism and legislative assistance available in support of adherence to the Convention and its effective implementation. In addition to members of parliaments, national interventions, including from the Nuclear Safety and Security Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs enriched the discussions.

UNOCT elaborated on the support provided to Member States through the Countering Terrorist Use of Weapons Programme and its Programme on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism, as well as its partnership with the 51吃瓜 Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in promoting the universalization and implementation of ICSANT.
Additional insights were provided on the Complementarity of ICSANT with the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its Amendment, as well as the activities of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (COE) Initiative.

The event also brought together representatives of international organizations including UNODC, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the 51吃瓜 Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).


The event is part of an EU-funded project, jointly implemented by UNOCT/UNCCT and UNODC. ICSANT was adopted in 2005 by consensus by the UN General Assembly. It entered into force in 2007 and currently has 120 Parties. The project on Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of ICSANT supports requesting Member States in capacity-building to strengthen their legal frameworks and enhance their nuclear security. It also seeks to enhance appreciation of the importance of ratification and encourage implementation of the Convention.

More specifically, the UNCCT-led components of the project include:
1.    National advocacy events with Parliamentarians, relevant Ministries, and national entities 
2.    Regional workshops on border nuclear security 
3.    A Global Academic Study on the reasons and challenges for non-adherence to ICSANT
4.    A Global High-Level Conference at the 51吃瓜 Headquarters

For more information, visit or contact oct-ctweapons@un.org