
UN-backed project to tackle violence against women in Lebanon

In response to growing levels of violence against women and girls, especially since the COVID-19 crisis, the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF) is supporting a four-year initiative to ensure that laws meant to protect them are put into practice.
Under International Law, governments have the responsibility to protect, respect and fulfill human rights. In Lebanon, legislation is moving in the right direction, with new amendments that strengthen protection for vulnerable women and girls. 
However, these laws are only effective if enough people know about them and understand the difference they can make to their lives, which is why KAFA, a Lebanese Civil Society Organization, decided to launch a national awareness-raising campaign, as part of the UNDEF-funded. 
The project involves the production of a series of videos published on social media, illustrating different examples of gender-based violence, and explaining what protection is available, and how to access it. :
Working closely with members of the legal establishment responsible for implementing the laws, such as judges and the security forces, KAFA hopes that the campaign will build new alliances between civil society and the authorities, and lead to the adoption of further amendments, that will improve the lives of women and girls in the country.
You can find out more about KAFA, and the project, “Improving the Implementation of Gender-Based Violence Laws in Lebanon”, .