Here, UNDEF publishes all post-project evaluations on-line. The decision to make these public was taken at the November 2011 meeting of the UNDEF Advisory Board, which is committed to evaluations of UNDEF projects as a basis for knowledge-sharing, lessons learned, improved project selection and management, and transparency. In this way, UNDEF consolidates its position as one of the most transparent entities in the UN family.
From 2010 to 2016, most UNDEF post-project evaluations were conducted by a contracted commercial evaluator firm, Transtec. Based in Brussels with a regional office in Beirut, Transtec has broad experience in evaluations, audits and studies in institution-building, democracy, governance, community development and post-conflict rehabilitation.
Since 2017, as agreed at the UNDEF Advisory Board meeting of November 2016, UNDEF's post-project evaluation system is managed by UNDEF itself, using a roster of independent evaluators with experience and expertise in the relevant region.
All Evaluations
Asia and Pacific
Bangladesh: Building Participatory Democracy from the bottom up (UDF-11-445-BGD)
Bangladesh: Promoting Good Governance Among Tribal Inhabitants (UDF-09-318-BGD)
Bangladesh: Active Citizens and Accountable Local Government (UDF-08-250-BGD)
Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan: Engendering Democratic Governance (UDF-08-248-RAP)
Bangladesh: Promoting Rights of Women Through Changing Mindset (UDF-07-174-BGD)
Bhutan: Empowering Rural Communities in Bhutan through Mass Media (UDF-17-763-BHU)
Cambodia: Peopleâs Access to Public Information in Cambodia (UDF-10-381-CMB)
Fiji: Women's Participation in Municipal Government (UDF-07-171-RAP)
India: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro-Justice in India (UDF-13-560-IND)
India: Empowerment of Women through Innovative Vocational Education and Training (UDF-10-383-IND)
India: Strengthening Grassroots Democracy through Women and Participatory Media (UDF-10-382-IND)
India: Strengthening the Leadership of Women in Gram Panchayats (UDF-08-253-IND)
India: Panchayati Raj Institution Action for Community Development (UDF-07-177-IND)
Indonesia: Empowering Civil Society to Promote Social Accountability in Papua (UDF-09-323-INS)
Indonesia: Strengthening Local NGOs in Areas where Extractive Industries Operate (UDF-08-254-INS)
Indonesia: Promoting Womenâs Leadership in the 2009 Election and Beyond (UDF-07-178-INS)
Kazakhstan: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative (UDF-11-451-KAZ)
Kazakhstan: Enhancing Electoral Awareness and Inclusive Democratic Development (UDF-09-325-KAZ)
Kazakhstan: Human Rights Education for the Police (UDF-08-256-KAZ)
Kazakhstan: Coalition Against Poverty: Oil Revenue Under Public Oversight (UDF-07-179-KAZ)
Kyrgyzstan: Advancing Gender Justice with Community Broadcasters (UDF-17-768-KYR)
Kyrgyzstan: Development Pacts as an Accountability Tool for Local Communities (UDF-10-384-KYR)
Kyrgyzstan: Empowering Communities to Participate in Local Governance (UDF-08-257-KYR)
Laos: Lao Encouraging and Applying Democracy for Civil Society (UDF-09-326-LAO)
Malaysia: The National Campaign towards Muslim Family Law Reform (UDF-12-512-MAL)
Mongolia: Towards a better electoral process (UDF-08-258-MON)
Myanmar: Deepening Democratization Processes Through Youth Leadership (UDF-07-180-MYA)
Nepal: Enhancing Gender-Responsive Local Government in Nepal (UDF-19-859-NEP)
Nepal: Institutionalizing Social Accountability of Community Radio (UDF-10-387-NEP)
Nepal: Advocating for the Rights of Widows (UDF-09-328-NEP)
Nepal: Enhancing Dialogue for an Inclusive Constitution (UDF-08-259-NEP)
Nepal: Political Participation of Marginalized Women (UDF-07-181-NEP)
Pakistan: Safeguarding the Rights of Transgender & Intersex Communities in Pakistan (UDF-19-860-PAK)
Pakistan: Strengthening Youth, Minority and Women's Organizations (UDF-11-457-PAK)
Pakistan: Narrowing the Gender Gap in Flood-Affected Areas (UDF-10-389-PAK)
Pakistan: Empowering the Voice of a New Generation (UDF-10-388-PAK)
Pakistan: Strengthening Democracy by Empowering Youth (UDF-09-329-PAK)
Pakistan: Electoral and Parliamentary Process and Civil Society (UDF-08-260-PAK)
Pakistan: Democracy for Women's Rights in Sindh (UDF-07-182-PAK)
Philippines: Expanding and Fortifying Local Democracy Through People's Council (UDF-11-458-PHI)
Philippines: Strengthening Democracy at the Grassroots (UDF-08-261-PHI)
Sri Lanka: Civil Society Empowerment Project to Promote Democracy (UDF-08-262-SRL)
Thailand: Empowering Communities Threatened with Displacement in Thailand (UDF-16-721-THA)
Thailand: Cultivating Democratic Leaders (UDF-07-185-THA)
Turkmenistan: Engaging Women with Disabilities in Development Policy Making (UDF-12-517-TUK)
Viet Nam: Empowering Civil Society in Advocacy and Policy Development (UDF-10-392-VIE)
Albania: Tracking Campaign Promises in Albania (UDF-17-774-ALB)
Albania: Empowerment Through Citizen Journalism (UDF-08-264-ALB)
Albania: Media Accountability (UDF-07-190-ALB)
Armenia: Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia (UDF-17-775-ARM)
Armenia: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia (UDF-ARM-11-465)
Azerbaijan: Creation of Women's Parliament (UDF-09-317-AZE)
Azerbaijan: Developing Democratic Electoral Processes (UDF-07-173-AZE)
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Learning and Living Democracy (UDF-07-191-BIH)
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Equality and Equity for Romani Women (UDF-07-196-MAC)
Georgia: Advancing Pedestrian Rights in Georgia (UDF-13-574-GEO)
Georgia: Citizen Journalists for Free and Fair Elections (UDF-10-396-GEO)
Georgia: Participatory Rights for Physically Disabled Persons (UDF-09-333-GEO)
Hungary: Learning Democracy DemoLab in Hungary (UDF-16-724-HUN)
Kosovo*: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society? (UDF-13-575-KOS)
Kosovo*: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo (UDF-11-468-KOS)
Kosovo*: Capacity Development for Association of Journalists (UDF-09-334-KSV)
Kosovo*: Empowering civil society inclusion on democratic policy-making in Kosovo (UDF-08-265-KOS)
Moldova: Civil Society to Monitor and Contribute to Transparency and Anti-Corruption Policies in Moldova (UDF-11-469-MOL)
Moldova: Women Can Do It-Balanced Participation in Decision-Making (UDF-08-266-MOL)
Moldova, Ukraine: Strengthening Civil Society Across Borders to Develop Democracy (UDF-08-263-REU)
Russian Federation: Empowering Civil Society Organizations of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities (UDF-09-332-RUS)
Turkey: Monitoring and Influencing Central Budget Through Civic Empowerment (UDF-08-268-TUR)
Turkey: Empowerment of Women Citizens (UDF-07-197-TUR)
Ukraine: Teenagers transforming communities in Ukraine through civic education (UDF-16-730-UKR)
Ukraine: Your Local Representative, Strengthening Citizen Participation (UDF-09-336-UKR)
* References to Kosovo should be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
Latin America and the Caribbean
Argentina: Best Practices for WomenÂŽs Participation in Democracy at Local Levels (UDF-08-271-ARG)
Argentina: Supporting Political Dialogue and Debate (UDF-07-201-ARG)
Brazil: Transparency and Public Accountability in Education in Brazil (UDF- 15-BRA-681)
Brazil: Promoting Freedom of Information Activism at the Local Level (UDF-09-340-BRA)
Brazil: Gender Advocacy at Local Level in Rio de Janeiro State (UDF-07-202-BRA)
Chile: Empowering Communities to Strengthen Citizen Participation in Chile (UDF-08-273-CHD)
Chile: The Gender Equality "Social Watch": Following Bachelet's Government (UDF-07-198-RLC)
Colombia: Youth to Youth â Building Peace and Democracy in Colombia (UDF-16-733-COL)
Colombia: Monitoring Freedom of Expression and Democracy (UDF-09-341-COL)
Colombia: Spaces and Information for Citizens' Engagement (UDF-07-203-COL)
Ecuador: Strengthening Ethics, Good Governance and Transparency (UDF-08-275-ECU)
Ecuador: Participation Politique des Populations Marginalisées (UDF- 07-204-ECU)
El Salvador: Democracy Academy for Young Adults in El Salvador (UDF-17-783-ELS)
Guatemala: Improve Maya Womenâs Access to Justice in Rural Guatemala (UDF-17-784-GUA)
Guatemala: Formation des jeunes pour la DĂ©mocratie et le DĂ©veloppement (UDF-08-276-GUA)
Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru: Human Rights Training for Indigenous Peoples (UDF-07-200-RLC)
Haiti: ICT Empowerment of Women's Voice in Haiti (UDF-13-580-HAI)
Haiti: Strengthening Human Rights Protection Through Legal Education in Haiti (UDF-12-529-HAI)
Haiti: Educating Rural Women in Democratic Citizenship (UDF-08-277-HAI)
Honduras: Young People for Dialogue and Democracy (UDF-15-685-HON)
Honduras: Youth for Democracy (UDF-09-342-HON)
Honduras: Empowering Civil Society and Women to Engage in Policy (UDF-07-208-HON)
Jamaica: Strengthening Women's Leadership (UDF-07-209-JAM)
Mexico: Strengthening Democratic Participation Among Indigenous Peoples of Oaxaca (UDF-10-407-MEX)
Mexico: Constructing Citizenship in San Luis PotosĂ (UDF-09-343-MEX)
Mexico: Civil Society Advocating for Quality Education and Healthcare with Equity (UDF-08-279-MEX)
Nicaragua: Arts as an Action to Stand up for Women's Rights (UDF-11-479-NIC)
Paraguay: Improving Access to Public Information in Paraguay (UDF-16-736-PAR)
Paraguay: Strengthening Women's Empowerment in the Democratic Process (UDF-10-408-PAR)
Paraguay: Dialogue to Strengthen Democracy (UDF-08-280-PAR)
Peru: Strengthening Press Electoral Coverage in Five Regions (UDF-09-344-PER)
Peru: Building a Digital Democracy Network (UDF-09-337-PER)
Middle East and North Africa
Egypt: Women in Democratic Transition: Political Watchdog Unit II (UDF-11-437-EGY)
Egypt: Enlarging the Social Base for Democracy and Rule of Law (UDF-09-308-EGY)
Egypt: Women in Democratic Transition: Political Participation Watchdog (UDF-08-241-EGY)
Egypt: Building Democratic Spaces (UDF-07-162-EGY)
Iraq: Civil Society Monitoring of Governorate Councils in Iraq (UDF-10-372-IRQ)
Jordan: Increased Citizen Dialogue through Strengthened Media in Jordan (UDF-13-553-JOR)
Jordan: Media and Art as Catalyst for Free Speech and Access to Information Right (UDF-10-373-JOR)
Lebanon: Promoting Gender-Sensitive Personal Status Laws in Lebanon (UDF-18-805-LEB)
Lebanon: Mobilizing Communities for Fair Sexual-Violence Legislation in Lebanon (UDF-16-707-LEB)
Lebanon: Creating a Liaison Unit Between Parliament and Civil Society (UDF-10-375-LEB)
Lebanon: Citizenship is My Right (UDF-08-244-LEB)
Morocco: Bytes Without Borders in Morocco (UDF-13-556-MOR)
Morocco: For a More Vigilant Civil Society (UDF-12-502-MOR)
Palestine: Incubating Young Leaders in Palestine (UDF-18-807-PAL)
Palestine: Advancing the Rights of Women in the West Bank Periphery (UDF-10-376-PAL)
Palestine: Youth Local Councils for Civic Engagement and Social Change (UDF-09-311-PAL)
Palestine: Acculturation Towards Tolerance (UDF-08-245-PAL)
Tunisia: Meta-evaluation of UNDEF-funded projects implemented between 2013 and 2021
Tunisia: Observatory for Minority Rights in Tunisia (UDF-16-711-TUN)
Tunisia: Women and men equal for local governance in Tunisia (UDF-16-710-TUN)
Tunisia: Entrepreneurship for Participation and Inclusion of Vulnerable Youth (UDF-15-661-TUN)
Tunisia: Promoting Local and Participatory Democracy (UDF-14-607-TUN)
Tunisia: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship (UDF-11-443-TUN)
Yemen: Empowering Local CSOs through Participation in Local Governance (UDF-10-378-YEM)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Angola: Increasing Womenâs Participation in Politics and Decision-Making (UDF-09-286-ANG)
Benin: Citizen Participation to Improve Local Governance (UDF-09-287-BEN)
Burkina Faso: Jeunesse et participation Ă©lectorale au Burkina Faso (UDF-17-740-BKF)
Burkina Faso: Strengthening Democratic Capacity of Knowledge-Sharing Network on New Technologies (UDF-10-350-BKF)
Burkina Faso: Ăducation et formation des jeunes pour la dĂ©mocratie (UDF-08-221-BKF)
Burundi: Education Campaign for the Promotion of Democratic Principles and Dialogue (UDF-11-413-BDI)
Burundi: Strengthening Women's Political and Civic Participation in Democratic Process (UDF-08-223-BDI)
Burundi: Preventing Violence During the 2010 Election Period (UDF-08-222-BDI)
Burundi: Strengthening Transitional Justice Processes (UDF-07-136-BDI)
Cameroon: Education in Electoral Law and Citizen Support in Electoral Processes (UDF-09-290-CMR)
Chad: Young Builders of a New Citizenship (UDF-11-415-CHD)
Chad: Renforcement de la Citoyenneté (UDF-07-138-CHD)
CĂŽte d'Ivoire: Promoting Democratic Dialogue and Social Cohesion in the Western region (UDF-11-417-IVC)
CĂŽte d'Ivoire: Improving Participation of 155 Women's Groups (UDF-09-291-IVC)
CĂŽte d'Ivoire: Civil Society Engagement for Democracy and Good Governance (UDF-08-224-IVC)
Democratic Republic of Congo: Supporting Civic Participation of Grassroots Communities in DRC (UDF-08-226-DRC)
Democratic Republic of Congo: Strengthening Dialogue for Community Decision-Making (UDF-08-225-DRC)
Democratic Republic of Congo: Formation des Citoyens au Droit (UDF-07-141-DRC)
Djibouti: Together against Gender Violence and Discrimination (UDF-11-436-DJI)
Eswatini: Enhancing Women's Political Participation in Eswatini (UDF-18-793-SWA)
Ethiopia: Enhancing the Functional Protection of Human Rights (UDF-08-227-ETH)
Gabon: Appui Ă lâimplication des jeunes dans les processus Ă©lectoraux (UDF-11-418-GAB)
Gambia: Strengthening advocacy capacity for civil-society (UDF-10-353-GAM)
Gambia: Enhancing Women's Participation in Democracy (UDF-09-293-GAM)
Ghana: Strengthening Participation of Women in Geographically Deprived Communities in Local Governance (UDF-13-538-GHA)
Ghana: Promoting Citizens Participation in Constitutional Reform Process (UDF-09-294-GHA)
Ghana: Addressing Governance Deficits Through Constitutional Reform (UDF-09-229-GHA)
Guinea: Appui a la Gouvernance Democratique Locale (AGODEL) des Zones Minieres (UDF-12-489-GUI)
Guinea: Empowering Magistrate-Civil Society Collaboration for Guineaâs New Democratic Future (UDF-10-355-GUI)
Kenya: Youth Empowerment for Participation in County Government (UDF-12-490-KEN)
Kenya: Enhancing Public Participation and Oversight in County Planning and Procurement (UDF-11-420-KEN)
Kenya: Voter Education and Registration (UDF-09-297-KEN)
Kenya: Strengthening Governance and Democratization Processes (UDF-09-296-KEN)
Kenya: Strengthening Promotion of Womenâs Rights (UDF-08-230-KEN)
Kenya: Promoting Awareness of Women's Human Rights through Community Radio Listening and Media (UDF-07-145-KEN)
Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia: Governance and Transparency through Radio (UDF-08-220-RAF)
Liberia: Using Access to Information to Foster Open Expenditure and Budget Transparency in Liberia( UDF-14-591-LIR)
Madagascar: Promoting the Representation of Malagasy Women in Politics and Public Affairs (UDF-11-421-MAG)
Mali: Strengthening Media to Promote Inclusive Democracy in Mali (UDF-17-747-MLI)
Mozambique: Raising the Social and Political Profile of Youth in Mozambique (UDF-18-794-MOZ)
Mozambique: Joint Contribution to Strengthen CSOs and Expand Democracy (UDF-10-360-MOZ)
Mozambique: Women in Politics (UDF-08-232-MOZ)
Niger: Promoting Women's Participation in Local Budgetary Processes (UDF-11-424-NER)
Niger: Renforcement des Magistrats (UDF-07-151-NER)
Nigeria: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria (UDF-17-748-NIR)
Nigeria: Creative Communication of the Nigeria Budget (UDF-13-544-NIR)
Nigeria: Civil Society Support Initiative on Political Marginalization in the Niger Delta (UDF-09-301-NIR)
Nigeria: Procurement Monitoring (UDF-08-233-NIR)
Rwanda: Access to Justice and Human Rights Education (UDF-09-303-RWA)
Rwanda: Promoting Democratic and Human Rights Values among Rwandan Youth (UDF-09-302-RWA)
Senegal: Campagne de la DĂ©mocratie et des Droits de l''Homme (UDF-08-234-SEN)
Sierra Leone: Enhancing Grassroots Democracy and Responsive Traditional Leadership (UDF-14-595-SIL)
Sierra Leone: Enhancing Grassroots Democracy and Responsive Traditional Leadership (UDF-12-496-SIL)
Sierra Leone: Initiative to Build Social Movements in Sierra Leone (UDF-11-425-SIL)
Sierra Leone: Democratic Dialogue through Media (UDF-07-154-SIL)
Somalia: Promotion of Women Empowerment and Rights (POWER) (UDF-12-505-SOM)
Somalia: Strengthening Media Capacity for Democracy and Human Rights (UDF-07-168-SOM)
Sudan: Supporting the Role of Women Leaders in the Post-Separation Period (UDF-10-366-SUD)
Togo: Towards Collaborative and Transparent Local Development Planning (UDF-11-429-TOG)
Togo: Programme d'Action pour l'Implication des Leaders Religieux et d'Opinion (UDF-08-236-TOG)
Togo: Droits et Libertés Pour Tous (UDF-07-156-TOG)
Uganda: Empowering Female and Youth Domestic Workers in Uganda (UDF-UGA-15-648)
Uganda: Strengthening Young Womenâs Civic Participation and Leadership in Uganda (UDF-13-547-UGA)
Uganda: Grass root Gender Accountability Project (UDF-10-367-UGA)
United Republic of Tanzania: Jurisprudence on the Ground (UDF-07-155-URT)
Zimbabwe: Advocating for Community Radio in Zimbabwe (UDF-16-702-ZIM)
Zimbabwe: Electoral Process Training for Civil Society (UDF-08-238-ZIM)
Global: Opening the Doors of Policy Making in Central Asia and South Caucasus (UDF-09-281-GLO)
Global: Non-Governmental Diplomacy (UDF-08-214-GLO)
Global: Assessing Democracy Assistance (UDF-08-213-GLO)
Global: Cultivating National and Grassroots Women Leaders (UDF-07-129-GLO)
Global: Creating Democratic Media Cultures: Quality Information for All (UDF-07-128-GLO)
Global: Civil Society Capacity Building for Participatory Governance (UDF-07-126-GLO)