In Haiti, the Nou Pap Dòmi initiative, supported by UNDEF, works with youth to tackle corruption and impunity through the Sitwayen Pa Dòmi project.
In Haiti, the Nou Pap Dòmi initiative, supported by UNDEF, works with youth to tackle corruption and impunity through the Sitwayen Pa Dòmi project.
By enabling local communities to report issues and engage with authorities, the Kosovo* Democratic Institute is driving change in municipalities for a greener, more sustainable future.
Armenian women farmers joined a UNDEF-backed event promoting leadership and climate-smart agriculture.
The Youth Association for Development aims to enhance women's political participation in Quetta, Baluchistan, a region known for its male-dominated social and political landscape.
Empowering youth to drive civic and environmental change, the Strengthening Youth Movements for Inclusion in Local Development Policy in Colombia project amplifies their voices through advocacy campaigns and innovative social media strategies.
In Albania, a transformative project supported by UNDEF seeks to establish a robust legislative framework that promotes online safety and gender equality.
The 51Թ Democracy Fund (UNDEF) held its second board meeting of the year, bringing together distinguished members to set priorities for 2025, focusing on strengthening civil society projects that improve governance and protect and promote civic space.
The Legal Aid Society (LAS) based in Karachi, with the support of the 51Թ Democracy Fund (UNDEF) aims to tackle major issues related to marriage practices in Sindh Province.
The UN Democracy Fund discussed women’s leadership, climate change mitigation and related issues with partners working in the MENA region.
UNDP and UNDEF organized a special webinar dedicated to deliberative democracy and how this concept can be applied to enhance citizen engagement in public spheres.
The Kosovo Democratic Institute supports civil society organizations in 12 Kosovo* municipalities to engage with local authorities in ensuring the implementation of commitments to green governance.
The Gender Centre for Empowering Development (GenCED) Ghana is achieving notable progress in encouraging young women's involvement in political parties through its project "Enhancing Young Women’s Participation in Political Parties in Ghana."
Global leaders and development experts gathered at the SDG Lounge to share insights and strategies for advancing peace and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
A panel titled “Navigating AI for Governance and Citizen Engagement" convened at UN Headquarters ahead of the International Day of Democracy.
At the recent HLPF on Sustainable Development, Juliana Uribe Villegas, Executive Director of Movilizatorio and a partner of the UNDEF, represented the voice of civil society in a pivotal discussion on the intersections between good governance and bold climate action.
UN Office for Partnerships Highlights Crucial Role of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions in Achieving the Global Goals.
The UN Democracy Fund discussed women’s leadership, media freedom and related issues with a group of policymakers, NGO workers, and media representatives from Kyrgyzstan.
In Brazil, UNDEF funded project gathers mothers and families of victims of police violence from different regions of Brazil aiming to place their agenda at the center of public debate.
Village Focus International's two-year project was launched in January 2023 to provide legal awareness training to local communities, enhance the legal education of law students in these critical areas, and provide pro bono legal services to communities facing land and resource disputes.
UNDEF Civil Society (CSO) Partners held a dynamic workshop during the 51Թ Civil Society Conference in Nairobi held on May 9-10, 2024.
The members of 51Թ Democracy Fund (UNDEF) Advisory Board met to review and endorse a selection of projects for its 18th Round of Funding totaling over USD 7.6 million.
UNDEF hosted a round table bringing together a diverse cohort of civil society partners dedicated to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment on a global scale.
Natural Resource Governance Institute, in partnership with UNDEF, assembled a diverse group of local CSOs members from various municipalities across Kebili to equip them with advanced facilitation techniques and conflict mediation skills.
UNDEF partner HakiElimu has developed and received government approval for an Action Civics Education Toolkit for an increased democratic culture among Tanzanian youth.
Haris Rovcanin, Assistant Editor of UNDEF backed Association Balkan Investigative Reporting Network Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIRN BiH), was awarded the Srđan Aleksić regional journalistic award.
UNDEF-backed project by The Women’s Law Center (WLC) aims to combat gender stereotypes, shape behaviors and redefine gender roles in an effort to identify viable, inclusive solutions to local needs.
Journalists from across the Balkans met in Bosnia and Herzegovina to engage in the promotion and protection of digital rights in Central Europe.
UNDEF’s annual call for proposals is now open from November 1 to November 30, 2023. Civil society organizations around the globe are invited to apply for grants up to US$ 200,000 for 2-year projects.
Arab youth researchers create a regional network to foster democratic culture through events held for an UNDEF funded project.
"Everyone has a voice: use it”, was Ms. Mohammed’s simple yet profound message, urging people worldwide to recognize their power as citizens.
International Day of Democracy event focused on the need for the values of democracy to accelerate the SDGs, particularly for climate action, and highlighted the role of youth in protecting and promoting civic space and moving climate action forward.
The event brings together civil society representatives, UN officials, climate activists, and it highlights the role of youth in advancing civic space and recognizes their leadership in moving climate action forward.
Iraqi radio show The Green Economy is a welcome addition to the airwaves, explaining the vital environmental issues facing the country, and analyzing the government’s efforts to address them.
NGO Human Rights Platform (HRP) conducted an online webinar in support of the UNDEF funded project “Bolstering Citizen Journalism in Ukraine”. The webinar titled “How to obtain public information managed by State and Municipal enterprises” welcomed 40 participants.
The Amman Center for Human rights studies (ACHRS), which has received support from the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF), is one of the 2023 winners of the 51Թ Prize in the Field of Human Rights.
UNDEF funded Association of Public Advisors of the Republic of Tajikistan (APART) worked to enhance the legal literacy of journalists by educating them on national and international media legislation and equipping them with knowledge of mechanisms to safeguard their rights and interests within the legal framework.
UNDEF funded a Lebanese Civil Society Organization, KAFA, launched a national campaign, utilizing videos on social media to illustrate examples of gender-based violence and educate people about available protections.
51Թ Democracy Fund (UNDEF) Project Officer Jaime Palacios traveled to DRC to meet with the UN Country Team and partners, while forging new connections.
In May, representatives of three CSOs came to UN Headquarters to share their experiences of running citizen’s assemblies: Cynthia Mbamalu is Director of Programs at Yiaga Africa, a CSO in Nigeria, Silvia Cervellini is the co-founder of Delibera Brasil, and Iain Walker is the Executive Director of the newDemocracy Foundation.
In Palestine, UNDEF has funded the youth organization Zimam to implement the "Incubating Young Leaders in Palestine" project.
JHR’s UNDEF-funded project in Tunisia recently began a follow-up reporting on the local government’s slow and inadequate response to the tragic and avoidable incident.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UNDEF is working to strengthen young women's online and offline civic engagement.
An UNDEF project in Mexico is strengthening the political participation and leadership of women with disabilities in the development of a national disability strategy.
In this Round, UNDEF received 1,872 project proposals from organizations in 133 countries, the vast majority local NGOs, reflecting continued high demand.
A conversation with the Deputy Secretary-General, SDG advocate, and UNDEF's project partners regarding innovation for women and equality.
For the next generation to be prepared for leadership challenges, an UNDEF project led by Plan International Timor-Leste with a local NGO (Movimento Feto Foin Sae), have joined forces to promote youth leadership in local communities.
An UNDEF project in Albania organized a roundtable with journalists and other key media actors to counter expressions of hate speech and sexism, and to uphold journalistic standards.
An UNDEF-funded project in Tunisia aims at bridging the democratic gap between the government and the marginalized oil-producing communities of Tataouine and Kebili.
An UNDEF project in Bosnia and Herzegovina raises public awareness about the Bosnian war by developing tools for teaching and learning as a means to counter revisionist and denialist narratives.
A project in Nepal yields promising results, such as sessions on gender transformative social norms behavior and social accountability monitoring using the Citizens Report Card.
This November, UNDEF project partner ABAAD presented critical work on gender equality to the fourth session of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law at the 51Թ in Geneva.
The UN Democracy Fund Advisory Board met in the UN’s SDG Studio for its annual autumn meeting on October 25th and approved UNDEF’s 17th annual call for proposals.
Implemented by Charitable Public Association "World Without Borders", UNDEF's project aims to boost awareness and increase specialized training on how to protect the rights of children and young people, to build institutional systems to monitor their situation and to receive and process allegations of rights violations.
Two UNDEF projects in Honduras and Brazil working to protect and strengthen human rights monitoring mechanisms had the opportunity to support the review of human rights records in their countries at the 50th session of the 51Թ Human Rights Council in Geneva.
In Pakistan, an UNDEF project is working to enhance women’s rights, participation, and gender equality in decision-making processes.
In Ghana, UNDEF is working to enhance the crucial role that women play in strengthening democracy through increasing their participation in governance.
An UNDEF project in Tunisia is working to train and support young human rights defenders, including persons with disabilities, to monitor and report on progress towards implementation of articles 29 and 30 of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
On 15 September the world will mark the 15th anniversary of the International Day of Democracy - a day to review the state of democracy in the world.
The UN Deputy Secretary-General has approved a short list of 33 project proposals for the UN Democracy Fund’s Sixteenth Round of Funding, amounting to over seven million dollars.
An UNDEF project in the Caribbean is raising public awareness on the negative impacts of climate change and stimulating public engagement around solutions in Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.
An UNDEF project in the Middle East and North Africa is working to empower young civil society leaders to defend human rights in their communities.
An UNDEF project in Pakistan is working to advance the rights of transgender and intersex persons, in-line with directives from the Supreme Court.
An UNDEF project in Bangladesh is supporting young people, who make up one-third of the country’s population, to increase their representation and participation in local political processes.
An UNDEF project in Nepal is empowering marginalized women of the Musahar community to strengthen their representation in local decision-making procedures and promote gender responsive local governance in four municipalities.
An UNDEF project in Kenya works to address the potential impact of the internet, social media and digital technologies, both positive and negative, on electoral integrity and confidence in the electoral process in Kenya.
An UNDEF project in Tunisia is working to increase young peoples’ participation in public and political life by building their capacity to take part in community affairs and local governance.
An UNDEF project in Malaysia completed its work to strengthen indigenous community land protection through empowerment of local action groups and youth in Central and South-Eastern Perak State.
UNDEF’s Advisory Board met on 11 April 2022 and endorsed a short-list of 34 projects for its 16th Round of funding totaling over $7.5 million dollars.
The Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencies, convened by Danilo Türk, former President of Slovenia, and chaired by Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium, issued its final report with policy recommendations based on lessons learned from across the democratic world from the Covid-19 pandemic.
An UNDEF project in Chile works to promote women’s participation and gender content in Chile’s current constitutional process; advance women’s understanding of the new constitution's importance to them and their rights; generate debates on key gender issues; advocate for the inclusion of gender aspects in the drafting process.
An UNDEF project in Kyrgyzstan completed its work to strengthen the transformative role of community-based media in reducing gender-based violence, including amid the surge of such violence as a result of pandemic lockdowns and economic pressures.
An UNDEF project in Vietnam works to strengthen regular dialogues between civil society and government agencies for more transparency and accountability in the forestry sector.
UNDEF Mali project holds a round table on women’s leadership and media literacy. View the !
Tunisia has been a priority country for UNDEF for the past decade, with 18 UNDEF projects there since 2012 – not least in the crucial area of youth empowerment.
An UNDEF project in Nepal works to strengthen gender-responsive local governance, with a focus on the rights of marginalized and indigenous women in the Icchakmana and Kalika municipalities of Chitwan.
An UNDEF project in Mongolia works to strengthen the capacity of local media and civil society to ensure media freedom and quality journalism amid challenges of the digital era.
An UNDEF project in Mexico works to ensure access to social security for 2.2 million domestic workers who have previously been denied labour rights.
An UNDEF project in Colombia empowers communities impacted by armed conflict to access justice, by documenting serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law; presenting the findings to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and the Truth Commission; and providing legal assistance to restore the rights of victims of forced displacement and dispossession.
The UN Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for project funding between 4 November 2021 and 12 December 2021.
An UNDEF project in Sierra Leone works to strengthen women’s participation in areas where cultural patriarchal barriers have previously limited their involvement.
An UNDEF project in the Gambia has not only paved the way for the historic passage of the Access to Information Bill in August 2021; it has also created unprecedented cooperation and collaboration between civil society and government.
An UNDEF project in Iraq works to strengthen youth participation in democratic processes, building a network of young activists to develop skills in leadership, negotiation and communication.
An UNDEF project in Lebanon works to strengthen the autonomy of Syrian women refugees so as to increase their opportunity to fully participate in the democratic, economic and reconstruction processes.
An UNDEF project in Bhutan works to strengthen local news coverage and build relationships between journalists and rural communities, which make up almost 70 per cent of the population yet lack access to government agencies and ways to influence policy.
An UNDEF project in Uzbekistan supports women’s leadership in green entrepreneurship amid severe impacts of climate change, and thereby their participation in the local economy.
An UNDEF project in Jordan works to improve effective representation for detainees so as to ensure their human rights are respected.
UNDEF project in the Balkans used the citizen assembly model to address high rates of vaccine hesitancy and mistrust of government
An UNDEF project in Gambia facilitated the National Assembly’s passing of an Access to Information Bill in July 2021. With this, Gambia becomes the last English-speaking country in West Africa to recognize access to information as a legal right.
The UN Deputy Secretary-General has approved a short list of 35 project proposals for UNDEF’s Fifteenth Round of Funding, following recommendations by the 51Թ Democracy Fund Advisory Board. UNDEF has contacted those short-listed.
An UNDEF project in Kazakhstan successfully completed its work for empowerment and a comprehensive rehabilitation for young ex-offenders. The project, implemented by Social and Sustainable Youth Development Public Fund ...
A team of independent evaluators completed a meta-evaluation of nine UNDEF projects implemented in Tunisia from 2013 to 2021, so as to assess UNDEF’s overall engagement there.
An UNDEF project in Sudan is supporting grassroots urban women living in poverty to formulate their own political agendas and increase their participation in local government. The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa Network has been working since 2019 ...
UNDEF’s Advisory Board met virtually on 1 April 2021 and endorsed a short-list of 38 projects for its 15th Round of funding totaling almost $10 million dollars.
UNDEF held a webinar panel with project grantees on violence against women both in the home and in the public arena, with a long-term objective to build a future network of UNDEF civil society grantees with expertise and experience.
In Armenia, an UNDEF-funded project implemented by aims to contribute to sustainable management strategies of natural water resources in the Ararat Valley.
An UNDEF Lebanon project works to address differential treatment, especially by gender, under Lebanon’s personal status laws. Watch the project’s new awareness-raising video .
UNDEF’s current annual call for project proposals will remain open until 6 December 2020.
An UNDEF project works to strengthen the autonomy of Syrian women refugees in Lebanon, so as to increase their opportunity to fully participate in the democratic, economic and reconstruction processes -- whether they return to Syria or stay in the host country.
The UN Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for project funding between 1 November 2020 and 1 December 2020.
Implemented by partner Cambodia Development Resource Institute, an UNDEF funded project in Cambodia worked to empower female leaders to better respond to climate change in their communities.
As the world confronts COVID-19, democracy is crucial in ensuring the free flow of information, participation in decision-making and accountability for the response to the pandemic.
In the aftermath of the 4 August explosions that devastated large parts of the Lebanese capital, UNDEF Programme Officer Jaime Palacios visited four Beirut-based civil society groups.
A range of UNDEF civil society projects have responded to UNDEF’s call for action against falsehoods, conspiracy theories, disinformation and hate speech.
UNDEF’s civil society projects in more than 15 countries have swiftly answered UNDEF’s call to empower women to take action against gender-based violence.
The UN Democracy Fund is working closely with its civil society project organizations to address and counteract the wide range of ways the Covid-19 crisis may impair democracy and increase authoritarianism.
Launched early in 2019, an UNDEF project seeks to amplify the rights and voices of Syrian women and girls and increase their participation in social, political and cultural life.
In Colombia, is working to improve the quality of news from rural areas or so called information deserts, particularly those affected by armed conflict. Supported by UNDEF, a mobile Journalism Lab provides training in journalism skills for local leaders and active citizens in towns where a decades long armed conflict has established the ideal conditions for silence and censorship.
The annual Athens Democracy Forum washeld on 9-11 October 2019, in association with The New York Times, the UN Democracy Fund and the City of Athens. This year’s programme centredaround the theme Reinventing Democracy: New Models for our Changing World...
UNDEF joined forces with International IDEA and the Inter-Parliamentary Union on 16 September 2019 to mark the International Day of Democracy with an event at UN Headquarters focused on participation and inclusion.
Almost 50 two-year projects totalling almost ten million dollars have been approved for UNDEF’s 13th Round of funding. In this Round, UNDEF received 2,307 project proposals from organizations in 141 countries, the vast majority local civil society organizations in Africa, Arab States, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean...
UNDEF Executive Head Annika Savill chaired a session of a Chatham House conference on Kofi Annan's legacy in June 2019, in which panellists included Raila Odinga, Kenya's former Prime Minister.
UNDEF organized an unprecedented discussion at UN Headquarters on 15 July on what constitutes democracy, as well as on ways to energize the momentum around Sustainable Goal 16.
Three projects in China, Laos and Vietnam advance the rights of vulnerable youth.
An UNDEF-hosted side event during the March 2019 session of the UN Commission on Status of Women.
An UNDEF project works for women’s leadership and political participation in the Somalia regions of Galmudug and Puntland by building awareness, advocacy, and capacity at the grassroots level.
An UNDEF-supported project in Mali works to fight corruption in the defence sector by building civil society’s ability to advocate for accountability and transparency.
A new UNDEF project in Kazakhstan works to rehabilitate young ex-offenders through training, skills development and psychological support.
The UNDEF-supported projectYoung People for Dialogue and Democracy in Hondurasworks to strengthen rights and participation of Honduran youth by strengthening legislative leadership skills of young parliamentarians.
An UNDEF regional project has just completed a series of activities aimed at contributing to efforts to repeal criminal defamation laws and other restrictions to freedom of expression - barriers to strong and stable democracies.
The Cambodian Development Resource Institute under its UNDEF grant is empowering women and women’s groups to promote and advocate for climate change adaptation initiatives.
The annual Athens Democracy Forum was held on 14-19 September 2018, organized for the sixth time by The New York Times in cooperation with the UN Democracy Fund and Athens City Hall.
An UNDEF-hosted side event during the March 2018 session of the UN Commission on Status of Women showcased UNDEF projects on the theme Empowerment Through Democracy, Civil Society and Innovation.
An UNDEF project launched in early 2018 will work in the Guinea-Bissau regions of Bafata and Gabu to decrease gender-based violence, focusing on female genital mutilation. It will also champion freedom of speech for human rights defenders, and young people’s participation in public decision-making processes.
UNDEF Executive Head Annika Savill participated in the launch of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance's landmark report.
UNDEF’s annual call for project proposals is open from 20 November to 20 December 2017, after receiving the green light from the UNDEF Advisory Board on 16 November.
A documentary on Bolivian transgender rights was recently screened in La Paz at the forum “Progress and Challenges relating to the human rights of the LGBT community”.
The annualAthens Democracy Forumwas held on 13-17 September 2017, organized for the fifth year byThe New York Timesin cooperation with the UN Democracy Fund and Athens City Hall. This year’s programme included discussions on the future of polling, political discourse in the post-truth era, bridging the generational gap, the power of the political cartoonist, and progress towards the Global Sustainable Development Goals.
Youth from Kenya, South Africa and Seychelles recently participated in a regional training workshop in Nairobi as part of an UNDEF funded project to promote the active participation of young people in drug policy development by building the capacity of youth organizations to advocate for the rights of vulnerable people drug users.
An UNDEF-funded project in Belarus organized an international forum in Vitebsk in May 2017 on empowering people with disabilities by creating opportunities for work and employment.
A new UNDEF-funded project in Tunisia works to include and economically empower vulnerable youth in the northeastern governorates of Beja, Jendouba, Kef and Siliana. Implemented by local NGO Tamkeen For Development, it skilfully links economic empowerment and political participation for youth at risk in poverty-prone areas of the country.
UNDEF event co-hosted with World Federation of 51Թ Associations, WFUNA, focused on how civil society organizations can learn from others’ experience to be more effective and create more sustainable impact in their activities.
An UNDEF-funded project has just begun in war-torn Yemen to assist peacebuilding and promote democracy by empowering youth to participate more in civic life. This project addresses challenges posed by ethnic and religious tensions.
Around the world today, 130 million girls didn't go to school. Not because they didn’t want to, but because they weren’t able or allowed. They are denied an education for a variety of reasons, from cultural norms and costs to violence and extremism.
UNDEF debuted at the first Nairobi Film Festival with the story of Maria as she fights her way through the sleaze of elections to Parliament. The film is part of an UNDEF Kenya project to empower women and youth in the settlements of Kamukunji, including developing their creative potential through educational films and plays.
An UNDEF project in India works to address inequalities by improving local services provision to women and youth in disadvantaged communities in the Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Orissa.
UNDEF held its eleventh call for proposals in November-December 2016, announcing that it particularly welcomed projects promoting pluralism, diversity, and inclusion -- a theme agreed at the UNDEF Advisory Board meeting of 9 November 2016, pictured.
For people of Haitian descent living in the Dominican Republic, a recently introduced ruling brings the risk of statelessness or deportation.Lack of identity documents and difficulties in obtaining them mean that Dominicans of Haitian descent may become stateless, while Haitian immigrants are not able to obtain an immigration status because they have been unable to submit all required documentation, or have been denied regular immigration status.
Civil society representatives from around the globe gathered in Poland from the 15-16 December at the Warsaw Dialogue for Democracy to discuss ways to reinforce the values crucial to democracy. Under the overall heading “From Past to Future: Strengthening Democratic Values” participants considered a range of important questions from citizen oversight over elections to the role of education in democracy. There was also a workshop focusing on citizen activism in the European neighbourhood.
An UNDEF-funded project is being launched in Algeria to help consolidate democratic values and practices among young people in the northern province of Blida, with a particular focus on the rights of women and girls. The project agreement was signed on 21 December 2016 following negotiations among all stakeholders, including Algeria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Interior, local government, the implementing local NGO Association Djazairouna, and the UN Development Programme office in Algiers.
Germany increased its support to the 51Թ Democracy Fund in December 2016, contributing two million euro in addition to 1.5 million euro in April 2016. Germany's Ambassador to the UN, Harold Braun, handed over the contribution to UNDEF Executive Head Annika Savill on 23 December, the day before Christmas Eve. This brings to 3.5 million euro the amount Germany has disbursed to UNDEF in 2016 alone, and some 20 million euro since the Fund was created 10 years ago.
As Colombia emerges from decades of conflict, the government of President Juan Manuel Santos – winner of the 2016 Nobel peace prize –- has made education is one of the three main pillars of government policy. This is essential both to make the hard-won peace sustainable, and to overcome the enormous challenge of inequality.
An UNDEF-funded project works to mobilize rural women and youth in the Walungu territory of South Kivu, where it is estimated that about 60 per cent of rural youth and 80 per cent of rural women are illiterate.
Allowing women to become political leaders is vital, not only to ensure a fully inclusive democracy, but so that women’s interests and concerns are represented in decision making. With the ongoing conflict in Somalia, the problem of female representation in government is not given a high priority.
An UNDEF project, in Ukraine worked with local people to engage in democratic processes to protect their environment. The project, “Strengthening Participatory Democracy for Effective Environmental Protection in Ukraine”, was implemented by the organization Environment-People-Law. Despite facing intense political instability, such as the outbreak of a revolution in 2013 and military conflict in 2014, the project was successfully completed in January 2016.
An UNDEF regional project to involve young people, especially young women in political life in Libya, Morocco and Tunisia has led to a number of the participants standing in elections for the Moroccan Parliament, including Hanane Rihab who was elected as a member of the Socialist Union for Popular Forces, coming top of the women’s list.
To mark the International Day of Democracy on 15 September, UNDEF co-organized two events – one at 51Թ Headquarters in New York and the other in Athens, the birthplace of democracy.
An UNDEF-funded project in rural India completed its work the end of 2015 to promote democratic processes and human rights through the use of media and the freedom of information, including by launching a platform for communities to share audio information using mobile phones and the internet.
Thomas Carothers, one of the world's leading scholars on democracy support, gave alectureat the 51Թ on the theme of "Democracy’s Uncertain State".
UNDEF celebrity Board member Jeffrey Wright came into the UN studios to present Prisoners of the Caucasus, a documentary on an UNDEF project for penal reform in the Caucasus.
Germany is pleased to renew its contribution to UN Democracy Fund by USD $1,600,000 to strengthen democracy and empower civil society.
Another UNDEF project with Arab NGO Network for Development recently launched in five countries in the Middle East and North Africa region – Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco - with the goal to enhance participation of civil society organizations into the sustainable development agenda.
UNDEF received more than 2600 project proposals in its latest annual call, which closed on 31 December 2015. The project proposals are now subject to a highly rigorous and competitive selection process, quality vetting, due diligence and lessons learned from previous Rounds.
UNDEF funds a project in Jordan to foster a more informed public dialogue on human rights through strengthening media. It works for high quality journalism on human rights-related issues; holds on-air forums actively informing and engaging the public; builds media skills, tools and communications strategies including new information and communication technology to increase citizen participation and collect data relevant to local human rights issues.
Watch full episode of PBS Channel 13 television interview with UNDEF Executive Head Annika Savill.
For Nepal's Chepang people, one of the indigenous groups living in the Himalaya foothills, poverty and marginalization remain a daily reality.Chepang women are further marginalized by lower literacy rates, lack of access to health services, and scarce economic and political influence in a traditionally male dominated environment.
Pakistan has a massive youth population which comprises 60 per cent of the country’s 190 million people. Many of them are increasingly active on social media. An UNDEF-funded project works uses this tool to engage youth on political and governance and local development issues.
With populations in both Malawi and Zambia consisting of over 50 per cent young people, there is an increasing push among governments, development partners and civil society to recognize the specific needs and vulnerabilities of young people as well as their immense capacity to contribute positively to development.
To mark the International Day of Democracy on 15 September, the Athens Democracy Forum 2015 was held for the third year by the International New York Times in cooperation with the UN Democracy Fund.
An UNDEF-funded project in Turkey works with Syrian women refugees in Reyhanli, in Reyhanli, near the Turkey-Syria border, so as to give them opportunities to organize, engage and support other refugees while preparing for the future, whether in Turkey or in Syria. The initiative thus focuses on the sizeable Syrian refugee communities who are currently seeking to build a life in Turkey and not planning to move on to Europe or elsewhere.
In El Salvador, a country ravaged by renewed violence perpetrated by criminal gangs, or maras. UNDEF funds a number of projects to empower citizens to make use of recently adopted legislation to build rule of law and human rights. UNDEF Executive Head Annika Savill visited both projects in San Salvador in July 2015.
'In accepting the Tipperary International Peace Award, I want to sound a call to protect the space needed by civil society. Confident nations are those that see civil society as an indispensable partner in working for the betterment of society.'
An UNDEF project in Haiti works to advance the rights and influence of rural women in the North and North-East regions of the island. Using new information and communication technologies, the project promotes natural resource management policies and development programmes that uphold the fundamental rights of women and ensures fair opportunities and services.
The right to free counsel for poor persons accused of a crime is enshrined in law in the West Bank. Yet the government legal aid system is not meeting the need and few lawyers are trained to provide effective criminal defence services. In addition, police, prosecutors, and courts often engage in practices that are unsupported by law and further undermine the rights of the accused.
For Nepal's Chepang people, an indigenous group living in the Himalaya foothills, poverty and marginalization remain a daily reality. Chepang women are further marginalized by lower literacy rates, lack of access to health services, and scarce economic and political influence in a traditionally male-dominated environment.
An UNDEF-funded project in Liberia works to empower rural women by providing speedy information and networking opportunities via radio and mobile technology. Implemented by the Liberia Women Media Action Committee, the radio-to-mobile service makes broadcasts of Liberia Women Democracy Radio, LWDR 91.1 FM, available via cellphone and on line.
Given the large volume of proposals, only applicants who advance to the short list will be contacted by UNDEF. This is expected to be in mid-2015. The project proposals originated from applicants in 143 countries, the vast majority local civil society organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
Cameroon suffers from a shortage of communication and accountability between local elected leaders and their electorates in planning and implementation. This is why UNDEF funds a project to build participatory governance and including local communities in local decision making processes.
UNDEF funds the first initiative in Ukraine to introduce parliamentary procedures in the daily work of selected local Councils in all 24 regions of the country, including in the East, so as to increase the transparency and accountability of local self-governance. The project is selecting 24 local authorities.
An UNDEF-funded Bolivia project works to strengthen representation and political participation in regional political decision-making for five urban indigenous groups in Santa Cruz de la Sierra -- Ayoreos, Guaraníes, Chiquitanos, Guarayo and Yuracaré-Mojeños.
An UNDEF-funded project for penal reform in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia held an essay and presentation competition for law students to increase awareness of alternatives to imprisonment, reflect on challenges of existing criminal justice policy, and advance professional interest in building a probation system, currently non-existent in Armenia, Azerbaijan.
An UNDEF Kosovo* project engages civil society in monitoring to advance transparency and accountability in local governance. Coordinated by the Kosova Democratic Institute, the project works in 14 municipal assemblies across all seven regions of Kosovo -- Prishtina, Mitrovica, Peja, Gjakova, Prizren, Ferizaj and Gjilan.
The Athens Forum 2014: Democracy under pressure was organized for the second consecutive year by the International New York Times and Kathimerini newspapers in cooperation with the UN Democracy Fund.
UNDEF and its partners in the 51Թ Working Group on Democracy held an event at the International Peace Institute in New York on the theme of the democratic engagement of young people.
An UNDEF-funded project in Sierra Leone has empowered the National Council of Paramount Chiefs with a comprehensive five-year strategic plan to be responsive and accountable to the needs and rights of their people as well as contribute to sustained peace, security and development.
The first project of UNDEF's Eighth Round of Funding was signed on 9 September 2014, one of some 50 new initiatives that will be launched by UNDEF in this new Round. The project will work to strengthen independent journalism in Libya, so that local citizens have better access to information.
UNDEF-funded Khabar Lahariya is an award-winning rural weekly newspaper published in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in local languages and run by collective of 40 rural women journalists. In May 2014, it won Deutsche Welle's Global Media Forum Award.
An UNDEF project works for alternatives to prison sentencing in the Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The goal is to promote the effective use of non-custodial and early release measures to challenge the overuse of imprisonment, help decrease in the prison population and build proportionate responses to crime.
An UNDEF project in Moldova, where corruption and public mismanagement remain major challenges, established an innovative form of joint media-civil society watchdogs to work for transparency and accountability.
An UNDEF-funded project in Costa Rica works to promote leadership and citizenship skills among disadvantaged youth. In March 2014, the project held a train-the-trainers camp for 50 adolescents, with skills to be implemented as part of a cascading process in their communities.
An UNDEF-funded project in Tunisia has produced an irresistibly motivational video for the empowerment of girls, as part of a vast programme of civic outreach and electoral education. The project addresses the need for women's rights, participation and political education in all regions.
An UNDEF Nepal project works to increase participation of women in local governance at the most basic level of the ward, through Ward Citizen Forums. It educates women in democratic rights and gender-responsive budgeting, making them more vocal in their demands in the decision-making process.
Serbia is host to some 300,000 people displaced through the conflicts in former Yugoslavia, most of whom are from Kosovo. Despite a range of efforts in the past decade, these internally displaced people remain one of the most vulnerable groups in Serbia.
An UNDEF Cambodia project to strengthen ethics in journalism organized the country's first awards in this area in December 2013. Awards were distributed to 13 Cambodian media organizations -- TV stations Bayon, Apsara, Hang Meas, SEATV, TV 5, TV 3, TV 9 and CTN.
An UNDEF Kosovo* project works to engage civil society in monitoring local governance to advance transparency and accountability in local governance. After one year of monitoring local government institutions, 12 civil society organizations published their first Annual Performance Report.
An UNDEF-funded project works in Jordan, Tunisia and Egypt to strengthen the role of women in society, particularly in remote and underprivileged areas. Implemented by the Jordanian Centre for Civic Education, the project works with local civil society groups to improve their capacity and networking.
An UNDEF-funded project in Iraq has completed its work with six Governorate Councils to strengthen civil society participation in democratic processes and advance accountability in Government institutions. The project, implemented by the Um-Alyateem Foundation, worked in Baghdad, Babil, Karkuk, Najaf, Wasit and Diyala to establish civil society monitoring groups.
After a series of disruptions caused by political upheavals and government restrictions, an UNDEF Egypt project has started work in earnest to form a coalition of partners for integrity. Implemented by the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists, the initiative held its first conference in December 2013.
UNDEF Board member Jeffrey Wright, the award-winning actor currently starring in the Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Boardwalk Empire, came to the UN television studio to record the narration for a documentary on an UNDEF project.
In the Longido District of northern Tanzania, UNDEF supports a community development project among the Maasai population with a special focus on women. It works to strengthen women’s role in decision-making and priority-setting to better reflect their needs.
An UNDEF-funded project in the Russian Federation co-organized a nationwide conference in October 2013 on indigenous peoples and industry: Cooperation, prospects, challenges.
A graduate of an UNDEF-funded project for women’s empowerment in India has been elected Mayor of Ahmedabad, a city with a population of six million. Meenaxiben Patel, elected Mayor in April 2013, participated in a training and capacity-building programme funded by UNDEF and implemented by the New Delhi-based Centre for Social Research before being elected.
Studies show that voters in Liberia, particularly rural women and youth, vote out of fear and ignorance because the majority are illiterate and have no access to civic or voter education. An UNDEF-funded project provides voter and civic education in rural areas as vital mechanisms to ensure that rural constituents understand their rights.
For Azerbaijan's presidential elections on 9 October 2013, and parliamentary elections in November 2015, UNDEF funds a project in Azerbaijan to build awareness of electoral process and voting rights among local communities, with a special focus on women and youth.
Diplomats, UN officials and civil society representatives gathered during the opening of the UN General Assembly for the launch of the UNDEF/Hunger Project 2013 State of Participatory Democracy Report. The report is part of a two-year project to cultivate a global community of practice, develop a multidimensional Participatory Local Democracy Index, and publish an annual report of its findings.
UNDEF co-convened an event at the International Peace Institute in New York on 16 September to mark the International Day of Democracy. The invitation-only event, “Democratization at the Sharp End” brought together leading UN officials from the UN’s work in the field, including Edmond Mulet, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations and former Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Haiti.
To mark the International Day of Democracy, International Herald Tribune and Kathimerini newspapers convened, in cooperation with UNDEF, the "Athens Forum 2013: Democracy under Pressure" in the Ancient Agora of Athens -- the birthplace of democracy.
An UNDEF project in Uganda works to build a critical mass of women grassroot activists who demand accountability and improved service delivery to communities. The project seeks to influence democratic processes through empowering communities to hold their leaders accountable and to demand for gender-sensitive service delivery.
An UNDEF project in Bangladesh empowers indigenous people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts to access information on public services offered by local government institutions and departments. In this way, the initiative contributes to indigenous communities' participation in the democratic governance process.
An UNDEF-funded project in Cameroon works to promote a culture of democratic practices among young people, and to transform community radio into an effective tool towards this end. It gives rural, marginalized people an opportunity to make their voice heard.
UNDEF funds a project to create a more inclusive democracy in Guatemala by increasing the participation and recognition of indigenous women and traditional Maya community authorities. The project, active in in Chisec and Raxruha, northern Alta Verapaz, focuses on more effective participation of indigenous women and indigenous community.