The Economic Analysis and Policy Division leads UN DESA’s capacity-development and policy-advisory activities on economy-wide issues and on methodologies to integrate the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Activities focus on training and advising policymakers in developing countries to enhance their analytical capacities in designing coherent and integrated macroeconomic, social and environmental policies; and enabling LDCs to make the most adequate use of benefits derived from their LDC status and to smoothly graduate from the LDC category. Recent capacity development activities focus on the following countries and projects:
Project | Duration | Target countries | Main activities | More information |
South-South Exchange on Attracting and Securing Private Financing and Expertise for Inclusive and Resilient Prosperity | 2024 | Bangladesh, Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu | To review progress on the SAMOA Pathway, propose new development solutions for sustainable prosperity in SIDS, and facilitate a South-South exchange on attracting private financing and expertise | Link |
Strengthening institutional capacity for effective investment facilitation in Sao Tome and Principe | 2024 | Sao Tome and Principe | To improve the capacity and effectiveness of the APCI, while also enhancing the capabilities of ministries and agencies involved in attracting foreign investment | Link |
Unlocking Trade Potential for LLDCs with a focus on the least developed landlocked countries | 2024 | Bhutan, Lao PDR , Nepal | To foster collaboration among stakeholders to support Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) by raising awareness, identifying best trade support practices, and facilitating policy shifts towards sustainable development, while addressing the specific challenges of countries like Bhutan, Lao PDR, and Nepal, and aligning with the UN’s mandate and the SDGs | Link |
ePing | 2024 | Zambia | Training of trainers (ToT) on ePing for Zambia | Link |
Advancing the Digitalization and Formalization of Savings Groups in Tanzania: A Collaborative Learning Initiative | 2024 | United Republic of Tanzania | To enhance the digitalization and formalization of savings groups in rural and underserved areas of Tanzania | Link |
Engagement with government counterparts on LDC graduation, monitoring and smooth transition | 2024 | Senegal | Inform government officials about the LDC graduation process, the CDP’s enhanced monitoring mechanism, and approaches for developing a smooth transition strategy | Link |
Rebuilding better and greener from the COVID-19 pandemic through enhanced design and implementation of sustainable national recovery strategies based on policy simulations | 2023-2027 | Indonesia, Lao PDR, Namibia, Philippines, South Africa, Zambia, and more | Strengthening the capacity of Government agencies to better utilize data and analytical techniques to inform decision-making processes | Link |
Promoting Digital Technologies to Enhance Agricultural Productivity and Improve Access to Finance for Smallholder Farmers, Particularly Women, in Tanzania: A Policy Brief | May 2023-Apr 2024 | United Republic of Tanzania | Review the use of digital technologies and access to finance for smallholder farmers, especially women, develop a policy brief with case studies, and gather feedback through a workshop before sharing it with key stakeholders | Link |
Enhancing Tanzania’s Capacity to Effectively Utilize LDC-specific International Support Measures (ISMs) | Jun 2023-Feb 2024 | United Republic of Tanzania | Enhance Tanzanian capacity to effectively utilize LDC-specific International Support Measures (ISMs) | Link |
Smooth transition support | 2023 | Sao Tome and Principe | Technical and advisory services to the Government of Sao Tome and Principe to prepare for graduation from the LDC category | Link |
Climate, land-use, energy and water systems (CLEWs) in Africa | 2023 | Namibia, Cameroon | Workshop on the incorporation of the CLEWs methodology into the national planning process in Cameroon | |
Strengthening capacity for evidence-based policymaking: inclusive policy for responding to global crises in fuel, food, and finance | 2023 | Malawi, Nepal, Sri Lanka | Review policy processes, gather stakeholder insights, analyze data for evidence-based policymaking, and compile a report with findings and recommendations for stakeholders | Link |
Climate, land-use, energy and water systems (CLEWs) | 2023 | CLEWs UI | Enhancement of the CLEWs user interface | |
ePing | 2023 | DESA Briefings to LDCs and tri-partite collaboration DESA, WTO and ITC | Link | |
Enhanced monitoring mechanism | 2023 | EMM dashboard | Assisting countries graduating and recently graduated from the LDC category through the online monitoring dashboard | Link |
Improving national capacity to address economic challenges originating from the fuel, food and finance crises | Nov 2022-Apr 2023 | Lao PDR, Malawi, Niger | Technical support to build national capacity for recognizing and addressing macroeconomic challenges to SDG achievement | Link |
Smooth transition support | 2022 | Sao Tome and Principe | Advisory services to the Government of São Tomé and PrÃncipe in LDC graduation process, including finalising and implementing a Smooth Transition Strategy (STS) and Roadmap for graduation from LDC category | Link |
Climate, land-use, energy and water systems (CLEWs) in SIDS | 2022 | Selected SIDS | Preparatory activities to support integrated and coherent national recovery strategies in selected SIDS | |
Enhanced monitoring mechanism | 2022 | Angola, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Nepal, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu | Enhanced Monitoring mechanism for graduating and graduated countries | Link |
Smooth transition support | 2018-2022 | Bangladesh, Bhutan, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vanuatu | Support on smooth transition strategy, use of ePing to track product requirements for export promotion | Link |
Integrated sustainable graduation support facility (iGRAD) | 2018-2022 | Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Timor-Leste | Integrated sustainable graduation support facility (iGRAD) | Link |
Climate, land-use, energy and water systems (CLEWs) in Africa | 2018-2021 | Cameroon, Ethiopia, Namibia | Use of CLEWs in national development planning | |
DESA Interdivisional | 2018-2021 | Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Lao PDR, United Republic of Tanzania | Research and step-by-step guide to access LDC-specific climate financing and other options to enhance food security | Link |
Climate, land-use, energy and water systems (CLEWs) in Asia Pacific | 2021 | Bhutan, Mongolia, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan | Use of CLEWs in national development planning | |
World economic forecasting model (WEFM-e) | 2021 | Lao PDR, Thailand | Training of macro modelling tool, WEFM-e, for policy simulations in national development planning | Link |
Smooth transition | 2021 | Sao Tome and Principe | Preparing a smooth transition strategy (STS) and roadmap for graduation from the LDC category | Link |
Smooth transition | 2021 | Vanuatu | Piloting iGrad; preparation and implementation of Vanuatu’s smooth transition strategy | Link |
Crisis monitoring indicators | 2021 | Angola, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Nepal, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu | Identifying crisis monitoring indicators for graduating and graduated countries | Link |
Climate, land-use, energy and water systems (CLEWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2021 | Nicaragua (and Indonesia and Philippines) | Use of CLEWs in national development planning |
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