
C-24 sessions

The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples (C-24) conducts its work and submits its report to the through the annually. The C-24 usually opens its annual session in February and elects its Chair, Vice-Chairs and Rapporteur to form a bureau. In March or April, it holds its second meeting to decide the venue and dates of the regional seminar and to agree on the guidelines and rules of procedure of the seminar. Usually around the third week of May, the C-24 convenes a regional seminar either in the Pacific or the Caribbean.?

In June, the C-24 holds its substantive session in New York for two weeks during which it examines the situations in the Non-Self-Governing Territories under its purview and adopts recommendations in the form of draft resolutions to the General Assembly. In recent years, during the June substantive session, the C-24 considers the questions of 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories and Puerto Rico, and adopts resolutions as well as conclusions and recommendations of the regional seminar. The C-24 also hears views of Member States, administering Powers, representatives of Non-Self-Governing Territories and petitioners.?


For more information on meetings of C-24 since the 2008 session to present, please select the relevant session/year from the dropdown list below: