
Multiple transport forms

Second 51³Ô¹Ï Global Sustainable Transport Conference
14-16 October 2021, Beijing, China

The second 51³Ô¹Ï Global Sustainable Transport Conference will provide an opportunity to focus attention on the opportunities, challenges and solutions towards achieving sustainable transport worldwide. It will follow up on the , held in 2016 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, and is expected to indicate a way forward for sustainable transport to help achieve the objectives of the  and the Paris Agreement on climate change in the Decade of Action.


Shifting gears for sustainable transport

A farmer carrying her produce to the local market, a ship being loaded with medical supplies, a child seated on a school bus ¨C the movement of people and goods from point A to point B, whether going from a village to a town or across a continent or ocean, shapes sustainable development.

Sustainable transport ¨C with its objectives of universal access, enhanced safety, reduced environmental and climate impact, improved resilience, and greater efficiency ¨C is the focus of the 2nd Global Sustainable Transport Conference to be held in Beijing, China from 14 to 16 October.