The Language and Communications Training Unit (LCTU), Capacity Development and Operational Training Service (CDOTS) is pleased to announce a webinar:

Foundations of Language Assessment: An Introduction to the Whats, Whys and Hows

When: 24 February, 8:30-11:30 Eastern Time

Where: Online, no previous registration required

Link to join: ?|?Passcode: 720237

Session overview: This webinar will provide an introductory overview of best practices in the evaluation of language skills, including how to use the new UN Language Framework to ensure fair and reliable assessment.

Speaker:?Dr. Neus Figueras coordinated the foreign language curricula and certificate examinations for adult learners in the regional ministry of education in Catalonia, Spain, for over 20 years. She has taught, consulted and conducted research and development projects pertaining to assessment across Europe, Asia, and North America. A frequent collaborator of the Council of Europe, Dr. Figueras is one of the authors of the Manual for Relating Examinations to the CEFR (Council of Europe, 2009) and recently co-edited Reflecting on the CEFR and its Companion Volume (Multilingual Matters, 2022). She was awarded the 2015 International Assessment Award by the British Council and has become a Trinity College London Honorary member in 2022. Dr. Figueras has significantly contributed to the UN Language Framework creation and the subsequent Language Proficiency Examination renewal.

Le Groupe de la formation Langues et communications (LCTU) du Service du renforcement des capacit¨¦s et de la formation op¨¦rationnelle (CDOTS) a le plaisir de vous convier au webinaire :

Fondements de l'¨¦valuation en langues?: Qu¡¯¨¦valuer, pourquoi et comment ¨¦valuer??

Quand : le 24 f¨¦vrier, de 8h30 ¨¤ 11h30 (heure de New York)

O¨´ : en ligne (aucune inscription pr¨¦alable n¡¯est requise)

Lien pour assister au webinaire :

Code d'acc¨¨s : 720237

Ce webinaire a pour objectif de fournir un aper?u des meilleures pratiques en mati¨¨re d'¨¦valuation en langues et d¡¯expliquer comment se servir du nouveau Cadre ONU pour garantir une ¨¦valuation ¨¦quitable et fiable.


Neus Figueras a coordonn¨¦ pendant plus de 20 ans les programmes de langues ¨¦trang¨¨res et les examens de certification pour les apprenants adultes au sein du minist¨¨re r¨¦gional de l'¨¦ducation de Catalogne en Espagne. Elle a enseign¨¦, consult¨¦ et men¨¦ des projets de recherche et de d¨¦veloppement sur l'¨¦valuation en Europe, en Asie et en Am¨¦rique du Nord. Collaboratrice fr¨¦quente du Conseil de l'Europe, Mme Figueras est l'une des autrices du Manual for Relating Examinations to the CEFR (Conseil de l'Europe, 2009) et a r¨¦cemment co¨¦dit¨¦ Reflecting on the CEFR and its Companion Volume (Multilingual Matters, 2022). Le British Council lui a d¨¦cern¨¦ le International Assessment Award en 2015 et elle est devenue membre honoraire de Trinity College London en 2022. Mme Figueras a contribu¨¦ de mani¨¨re significative ¨¤ la cr¨¦ation du Cadre des Nations Unies pour les langues et ¨¤ la refonte de l¡¯Examen d¡¯aptitudes linguistiques.