Distinguished Colleagues,
Thank you for your rich and substantive interventions.
My colleagues in the Financing for Sustainable Development Office will use the inputs and thoughts you have shared today to guide preparation of our report. For those of you that were not able to present today due to time constraints, please submit your feedback in writing. All of you are also welcome to reach out to my staff to share any additional thoughts or reactions that today¡¯s discussion may trigger. My team will continue to engage with your teams on the technical drafting of the report.
We will also organize a number of preparatory engagements over the coming months. As in the past, there will be one or two informal public dialogues with Member States and external stakeholders. My colleagues will send further details on these meetings as planning advances.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that DESA values your partnership and contributions. I look forward to our continued collaboration.
Thank you.