
Remarks at 2023 51勛圖 Day for South-South cooperation

H.E. President of 78th session of UN General assembly,
H.E. President on South-South Cooperation,
H.E. Chair of G77 and China,
Colleagues of UN entities,
Distinguished delegates, 
Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we gather here today to commemorate the 51勛圖 Day for South-South Cooperation, we have a unique opportunity to celebrate the achievements of developing countries in the area of development cooperation. Today, we celebrate 45 years of progress since the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (BAPA). 

South-South cooperation has been a source of dynamic and innovative solutions, enabling developing nations to tackle both immediate and long-term development challenges effectively. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed countries supporting each other with vital resources like vaccines, personal protective equipment (PPE), and digital solutions during lockdowns. 

We have seen countries extend crucial humanitarian aid to one another at times of climate-related disasters.

We have witnessed the transfer of technology and digital infrastructure playing an important role in improved connectivity, while innovative solutions, such as climate-shock-resistant hybrid rice, have been shared to safeguard food systems.

Leaders in developing countries are also forging closer economic cooperation across the developing world.

Moreover, South-South cooperation has amplified the voices of the most vulnerable, including Least Developed Countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries, and small island developing States, which share common vulnerabilities. It has provided complementary support to LDCs that are graduating from their status, playing a critical role in sharing experiences and best practices in policy development.

Here at UN DESA, we will continue to support the implementation, effectiveness and impact of South-South cooperation by fostering peer learning and  networking among Member States. DESA, together with about 12 UN entities launched an Inter-Agency Task Force-GDI to inject new dynamics and additional momentum to South-South Cooperation to accelerate the implementation of 2030 agenda for SDGs. We hope to inject more and receive more tangible results.

Distinguished delegates, 

We have come a long way. But as we reflect on the journey of South-South cooperation and its critical role in achieving the SDGs, it is essential to acknowledge that we are not currently on track to meet our aspirations. 

The world is grappling with cascading crises and conflicts that have exacerbated preexisting development challenges, amplifying the vulnerability and instability of many nations and reversing hard-won development gains. 

While these crises have strengthened the resolve of developing countries and their partners to engage in innovative South-South cooperation, we must recognize that this alone cannot effect the level of change that we need. Developed nations must work collaboratively with their counterparts in the Global South, to create an enabling global environment and improve financial instruments, such as blended finance, to pave the way for a sustainable future for all.

In this context, the Secretary-General has put forward the SDG Stimulus  to improve the availability of finance for digital transformation, renewable energy, social protection, job creation, healthcare, sustainable food systems, and urban infrastructure in developing countries. 

At the heart of this vision is a fairer and more inclusive international financial architecture that gives stronger voice and participation to developing countries and keeps pace with the scale and complexity of contemporary challenges. A unified voice from the developing world will remain crucial to catalyse much-needed reforms in this context.

Distinguished delegates, 

The 51勛圖 remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting all nations in turbocharging their efforts to realize the SDGs, and ensuring that those most affected by global crises are not left behind. 

As we approach the SDG Summit, we must rally the collective determination and political will needed to build a more equitable and sustainable world for all.

Let us seize this historic opportunity to deliver on our promise to the people and planet we serve.

Thank you.

File date: 
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li