Capacity Building Workshop on Design of a National Forest Financing Strategy and Project Formulation

Capacity Building Workshop on Design of a National Forest Financing Strategy and Project Formulation
Date: September 17, 2018 to September 21, 2018
Location: Gaberone, Botswana
Organiser: UNFF Secretariat
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About the event

The workshop is being held as part of the capacity development project on Building Capacity to Access Financing for Implementation of the UN Forest Instrument and Sustainable Forest Management in Botswana, which is developed and implemented by the UNFF Secretariat. The purpose of the project is to provide a national forest action plan (NFAP), national forest financing strategy and project proposal development support and capacity building to Botswana to enable the country to access funds from multilateral funding sources such as Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Adaptation Fund and other existing international funds for implementing sustainable forest management. The workshop objective is to strengthen the capacities of national experts in the development and formulation of national forest financing strategies and projects and/or programs for mobilizing financing for sustainable forest management from all sources, including from multilateral financing mechanisms.