
UNFF11 Statements

At the eleventh session of the UN Forum on Forests the UN Forum on Forests Secretariat, members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and other entities such as Major Groups present their latest reports. In response, Members of the Forum have the opportunity to take take the floor and respond to the reports.

Responses by date:

Monday May 4th

Opening Statements

Introduction of Reports:

UN Forum on Forests reports introduced by UN Forum on Forests Secretariat Director Manoel Sobral Filho.

  • Review of the effectiveness of the International Arrangement on Forests
    Document E/CN.18/2015/2 [ | | | | | ]
  • Reviewing progress towards the achievement of the GOFs & the implementation of the Forest Instrument
    Document E/CN.18/2015/3 [ | | | | | ]
  • Means of Implementation for SFM and FLEG at all levels
    Document E/CN.18/2015/4 [ | | | | | ]
  • Enhanced cooperation and policy and programme coordination and Regional and sub-regional inputs
    Documement E/CN.18/2015/5 [ | | | | | ]
  • UNFF Trust Fund
    Documement E/CN.18/2015/8 [ | | | | | ]

Collaborative Partnership on Forests

  • Joint Statement by members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
  • CPF Framework 2013-2014
    Document: E/CN.18/2015/7 [ | | | | | ]

Ad-hoc Expert Group

  • AHEG2 report
    Document E/CN.18/2015/11 [ | | | | | ]

International Arrangement on Forests

  • Independent Assessment of the International Arrangement on Forests Presentation

Country-led Initiatives in Support of UN Forum on Forests
China Country-led Initiative and Switzerland Country-led Initiative

  • Letter dated 6 January 2015 from the Permanent Representative of China to the 51³Ô¹Ï addressed to the Secretary-General
    Document E/CN.18/2015/9 [ | | | | | ]
  • Note verbale dated 23 March 2015 from the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the 51³Ô¹Ï addressed to the Secretary-General
    Document E/CN.18/2015/12 [ | | | | | ]


Statements made by Members of UN Forum on Forests

South Africa (on behalf on G77 and China) | European Union | ASEAN | Switzerland | Indonesia | Japan | Turkey | Iran | Mexico | Norway | Bolivia | Russian Federation | India | Malaysia | Ghana | Gabon | Colombia | China | Peru | United States | Argentina | Philippines | Brazil | FAO | INBAR| African Group

Tuesday May 5th

Multi-stakeholder Dialogue

Introduction of the Secretariat’s Note and Major Groups discussion papers
Document: E/CN.18/2015/6
[ | | | | | ]


Forestry Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa | African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests | International Family Forestry Alliance | International Forestry Students’ Association

Wednesday May 13th

High Level Segment – “The Future IAF We Want”

Statements made by Member States representing groups

President of the Economic and Social Council | South Africa on behalf of G77 and China | Latvia on behalf of the European Union

Statements made by Member States

Bolivia | Canada | Colombia | Costa Rica | Czech Republic | Fiji | Finland | Gabon | Ghana | Grenada | Guinea | India | Indonesia | Iran | Italy | Ivory Coast | Jamaica | Japan | Kenya | Republic of Korea | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Lithuania | Madagascar | Malaysia | Morocco | Nicaragua | Norway | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Peru | Philippines | Romania | Russian Federation | Samoa | Senegal | Slovakia | Spain | State of Palestine Sudan | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Trinidad and Tobago | United Republic of Tanzania | Vietnam | Venezuela | Zambia

Statements made by UN Regional Commissions and Intergovernmetal organisations


Thursday May 14th

High Level Segment

Roundtable 1: Integration of Forests in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Roundtable 2: Renewed Commitments to Implementation of the IAF Beyond 2015
Statements by:
Gabon on behalf of Forest 11 | Ecuador on behalf of CELAC | Norway | Zambia | Liberia | Azerbaijan

Tehran Process Secretariat for Low Forest Cover Countries | Central African Forest Commission RT1 | Central African Forest Commission RT2 | Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization