
Programme of Work 2000-2005

First session (2000)
Second session (2002) Third session (2003) Fourth session (2004) Fifth session (2005)
Adoption of the multi-year programme of work
Combating deforestation and forest degradation Economic aspects of forests Traditional forest-related knowledge Review of progress and consideration on future actions
Development and adoption
of a plan of action
Forest conservation
and protection of unique types of forests and fragile ecosystems
Forest health and productivity Forest-related
scientific knowledge
On the basis of the assessment referred to in para. 2 (e) of Council resolution 2000/35, consider, with a view to recommending to the Council and through it to the General Assembly, the parameters of a mandate for developing a legal framework on all types of forests
Initiation of the work of the Forum with the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
Rehabilitation and conservation strategies for countries with low forest cover Maintaining forest cover to meet present and future needs Social and cultural aspects of forests Review the effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests
  Rehabilitation and restoration of degraded lands and promotion of natural and planted forests   Monitoring assessment and reporting, concepts and terminology and definitions  
      Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management  
  Concepts, terminology and definitions      
  Ministerial     Ministerial