
Calendario de reuniones y plan de trabajo para 2020 - 2021

A?o / s别蝉颈ó苍 / Fecha / Lugar

Principales áreas de enfoque para la s别蝉颈ó苍

2020 51 s别蝉颈ó苍

Sede de la ONU de Nueva York


  1. Preparation of the annual report of the Committee

  2. Review of the enterprise risk management and internal control framework in the Organization

  3. Status of implementation of oversight bodies' recommendations

  4. Coordination and cooperation amond oversight bodies

2020 52 s别蝉颈ó苍

Sede de la ONU de Nueva York


  1. Review of the 2021 work plan of the Office of Internal Oversight Services in the light of the workplans of other oversight bodies

  2. Proposed budget of OIOS under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022

  3. Operational implications of issues and trends in the financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors

  4. Coordination and cooperation among oversight bodies, including hosting a coordination meeting of oversight committees

  5. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for 2021

2021 53 s别蝉颈ó苍

Sede de la ONU de Nueva York


  1. Status of implementation of oversight bodies' recommendations

  2. Report of the Committee on the OIOS support account budget

  3. Review of the enterprise risk management and internal control framework in the Organization

2021 54 s别蝉颈ó苍

Sede de la ONU de Nueva York


  1. Operational implications of issues and trends in the financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors

  2. Proposed programme budget for OIOS for the year ended 31 December 2022

  3. Coordination and cooperation among oversight bodies

  4. Transformational projects and other emerging issues