UNDT/2010/181, Ippolito
As regards promotions, considering the discretionary nature of these decisions, the Tribunal’s role is only to review the legality of the procedure followed and to examine whether there have been any errors of fact in the assessment of the staff member’s career. Under the principle that similar acts require similar rules, the decision that modifies the original provision governing the promotion procedure in UNHCR must be taken through the same procedure followed to adopt the original provision. The lack of transparency alleged by the applicant is a general argument which, to be retained, must be based on particular facts showing that the legal instruments applicable to the promotion of staff were not followed. The Judge would only retain as lack of transparency the Administration’s refusal to share with the Tribunal and the applicant the documents on which the High Commissioner based his decision. There was not such a refusal in the present case.It is unavoidable that the assessment of the staffs’ competence be subjective to some extent, however this cannot be considered as an irregularity.The High Commissioner was not bound to follow the APPB recommendations. He was able to legally promote staff members who were not recommended by the APPB as far as they were eligible.
The applicant, a UNHCR staff member, contests the decision of the High Commissioner not to promote him to the P-5 level in the 2008 annual promotion session.