
WTO Public Forum: Harnessing Digitalisation for Greener Supply Chains in LDCs

Friday, 15 September 2023 - 10:45am

15 September 2023


Organized by the Permanent Mission of Cambodia, CUTS International, Geneva

Information .

"This session focuses on the potential of digitalisation as a tool for greening supply chains in least-developed countries (LDCs). Specifically, the session explores the ways in which digital technologies can be leveraged to drive environmental sustainability, enhance efficiency, and foster inclusive sustainable economic development in LDCs. Through interactive discussions, participants will address key questions such as: i) how digital technologies can be used to monitor and reduce environmental impacts; ii) how to leverage digital platforms for transparency and traceability, iii) how to overcome barriers to digital adoption and build capacities for effective integration of digitalisation; and iv) how to foster partnerships to support LDCs. Ultimately, through this workshop, participants from governments, IGOs, Business and NGOs will gain insights and exchange ideas for a pathway to harness digitalisation as a catalyst for achieving inclusive sustainability in LDCs."